Expository Writing 5/20 – 5/24




1. Journal: What are some of the things you evaluate and make judgments about every day?  How do you make those evaluations/judgments, based on what criteria?  What qualifies you to make such evaluations/judgments?

2. Vocabulary Quiz 2

3. Writer Workshop: The Evaluation Essay

a.      Read Chapter 13, pp. 190-203

b.     Complete Activity 1, p. 194; Activity 2, p. 202; Activity 3, p. 203 (begin prewriting your essay).

c.      Complete through Activity 3 (prewriting) for tomorrow.

3. Late Work

a.      You may choose to work on some of this if you aren’t done with it yet.

b.      Some of you may not have had the work listed below checked for points; have it checked now.

1.      Thank You letter RD and FC.

2.      RD/SRD of Application Essays 3 or 4.

3.      RD/SRD of Application Essays 5 or 6.

4.      Turn in Application 1 FC for Completion Points.

    c. Tomorrow is the last day I can accept those materials.




1. Journal: What was the last really great restaurant or movie or CD or book you enjoyed?  What made it so great?  Give details.
2. Writer Workshop: The Evaluation Essay
    a. Discuss Student Model, “In Transit,” pp. 193-194.

    b. Discuss Published Model, “La Vita: Reason to Go On Living.”

        1) The familiarity of a restaurant review.

        2) Build our own criteria for a restaurant review – on board/overhead.

    c. Prewriting: Focus and Clarify

        1) At this point, you should have a list or maybe even your topic selected.  Review Choosing a Topic, pp. 196-197. Look at Activity 3, p. 203 if you need ideas.

        2) Develop 4 or 5 basic criteria for your evaluation of each topic or your selected topic.  You’ll probably change them and think of more as you go; that is normal and fine.  By the time the readers see your essay, they’ll never know you wavered and changed along the way!

    d. Once you have your topic and a few criteria, create an outline consisting of the following:

        1) Your audience, purpose, and tone written at the top.

        2) Your thesis or controlling idea.

        3) Your criteria for evaluation.

        4) Your main points, in a logical order and each supported with at least two details.

    e. Finish all Prewriting and Outlining by Thursday.

3. Last day to receive points for the following:

    a. Thank You letter RD and FC.

    b. RD/SRD of Application Essays 3 or 4.

    c. RD/SRD of Application Essays 5 or 6.

    d. Turn in Application 1 FC for Completion Points.




1. Journal: none
2. Writer Workshop: Improve Your Sentences
    a. Read pp. 242-245.

    b. Complete Activity 8 (p. 244), Activity 9 (p. 244), and Activity 10 (pp. 245-246).

    c. Turn in when done.

    d. If time, work on Outline or begin draft of Evaluation Essay.




1. Journal: none
2. Writer Workshop: The Evaluation Essay
    a. Review Guidelines for a Successful Evaluation Essay, p. 195-196.

    b. Begin drafting essay – RD due tomorrow.

    c. As you write and move into revision, keep in mind the exercises from yesterday.

        1) Use parallel structure.

        2) Avoid wordiness and redundancy – keep your writing tight.

    d. Have PW/OL checked.

3. Seniors: Portfolio Checks are next Tuesday - Thursday




1. Journal: 5 minute open write
2. Writer Workshop: The Evaluation Essay
    a. Finish RD.

    b. Have peer read using questions on pp. 199-200.

    c. Revise to create SRD – due Tuesday.

3. Seniors: Portfolio Checks are next Tuesday - Thursday