Expository Writing 4/29 – 5/3




1. Journal: 10 minute open write
2. Workshop: SAT prep and vocabulary
    a. SAT Workshop on overhead.

    b. Study vocabulary as time allows.

3. If time, you may also work on your peer reading and revisions of your character sketch.



1. Journal: It is often said that a person is judged by the company they keep.  Assuming this is true – and it often is whether we like it or not – how are you judged based on the company you keep.  Explain.

2. Vocabulary Quiz 1

3. Writer Workshop: College, Scholarship, and Application Essays

a.      Brief discussion of journal, both in response and in how fair you think that is.

b.      A look at what we want in this sort of essay.

c.      Essay 1 from the Miami of Ohio University

Choose one teacher in high school who has had a major impact on your academic development.  What qualities of this teacher do you most admire?  In what ways did your teacher succeed in changing your thinking? (approximately 300 words)

d.      What sort of essay is this?

e.      What are we attempting to do?  Refer back to what we want.

f.        PW and Draft now.

4. Have work checked as needed:

a.      Due last week: Character Sketch RD and PR.

b.      Due today: Character Sketch SRD – place in portfolio with the SRD of your Classification Essay.

c.      Have you turned in all your practice exercises?




1. Journal: List the five most important character traits or skills you bring to a school or job.  Write a sentence of two about each, which show why you consider those traits or skills so important.

2. Writer Workshop: College, Scholarship, and Application Essays

a. Review what we want in this sort of essay.

     b. Essay 1  from the Miami of Ohio University

Choose one teacher in high school who has had a major impact on your academic development.  What qualities of this teacher do you most admire?  In what ways did your teacher succeed in changing your thinking? (approximately 300 words)

     c. Draft your essay now – be prepared to share you response with the class.

3. Have work checked as needed:

a.      Due last week: Character Sketch RD and PR.

b.      Due yesterday: Character Sketch SRD – place in portfolio with the SRD of your Classification Essay.




1. Journal: none
2. Writer Workshop
    a. Complete and have late work checked.

    b. Draft, revise, and polish 1st application essay – Essay 1 Miami of Ohio




1. Journal: “Where” do you see yourself in five to ten years?  Detail briefly what it’s going to take to get to where you want to be.

2. Turn in Application Essay #1 FC for review.
3. Writer Workshop
    a. Read pp. 234-235, Use Your Personal Voice.

    b. Complete Activity 2: Create Voice and Tone – be sure the peer reader responds to the activity in writing immediately after your descriptions.  Due today.

3. Late Work Checks:

    a. 1st nine weeks review essay FC in front of portfolio (now 14 days late) – can still get some credit

    b. RD, PR, and SRD of Classification Essay (now 11 days late) – can still get some credit

    c. RD, PR, and SRD of Character Sketch (now 5 days late) – can still get full credit