Expository Writing  4/15 – 4/19




1. Journal: none
2. Language of the Day #38: Vocabulary

3. Writer Workshop
    a. Finish either of the following: Nine Weeks Review Essay or
Classification Essay RD.

    b. When Nine Weeks Review Essay is done, place the final copy in the front of your portfolio and the SRD where ever you keep those.  Have checked.

    c. Have Classification RD and older work checked if ready.

4. HW: Read the Published Model, “The Marks of the Educated Man,” pp. 143-144.  Do Q’s 1-7, p. 145. 



1. Journal: What is your definition of an educated person?  What qualities, categories, or classifications would you include as part of such a definition?  Do you try to fulfill these qualities?  How or why not?
2. Language of the Day #39: Vocabulary

3. Writer Workshop: Transitions
    a. Discuss the Published Model using questions for the section.  End with what he does that you can learn from.  Turn in Q’s when done.

    b. Look specifically at his transitions. 

        1) Handout: transitions.  Your older word choice handout has some transitions on it as well.

        2) How could we change those to make the essay smoother, more flowing?

        3) Be sure to use sophisticated transitions in your essay.

    c. Conclusions: on overhead

        1) Apply the “so what” factor in choosing and writing your conclusion.

        2) You may wish to restate the thesis in different words to begin your conclusion: the keyhole method (on board).

    d. Comb over your essay now to revise transitions and polish conclusion.

4. Have Classification Essay RD and Nine Weeks Review Essay in portfolio checked if ready; late work checked as needed.




1. Journal: none
2. Language of the Day #40: Vocabulary

3. Peer Reading Workshop: Classification Essay
    a. Distribute Classification Grading Rubric and review.

    b. Exchange essays and complete the peer reading questions on p. 142.  Do NOT simply answer questions yes or no – give a sentence or two of supporting detail.

    c. Peer readers have peer reading and rough drafts checked before giving both to the author.

    d. Complete revisions of your Classification Essay.

    e. Proofreading will be tomorrow.




1. Journal: none
2. Language of the Day #41: Vocabulary

3. Proofreading and Editing Workshop: Classification Essay
    a. Have Classification Essay proofread by our panel of experts.

    b. Revise Essay as needed.

    c. Have SRD checked in.

    d. You do not need to make this a final copy yet, though you may choose to do so.




1. Journal: You will be given a list of famous quotations on the overhead.  Choose your favorite or most thought provoking one, positive or negative, and write about it in any way you wish.
2. Language of the Day #42: Vocabulary

3. Writer and Vocabulary Workshop
    a. First and foremost, all work on the Classification Essay through the SRD should be checked in by the end of the period today.  Do this before doing anything else.

    b. Once you are done with that, get the “Double Speak” handout and attempt to solve each saying.

1)     You get ½ point extra credit for every one you get right.

2)      Add each word you did not know to your vocab list.  All words on the handout, whether you knew them before or not are now eligible for testing.  Of course, this means everyone needs the handout at some point.