1. Journal: none
2. Grammar
of the Day 27
3. Writer Workshop
a. Work on your
b. RD
due tomorrow.
c. This will be a graded workshop – 10 points.
d. Check in any late work.
e. If you want to use a laptop to work on
Enrichment today and write your draft tonight, that is acceptable.
4. Reminder: Enrichment 2 is due Monday, April 1.
1. Journal: Describe your
favorite place in the world. Be specific
and vivid.
2. Grammar
of the Day 28
3. Writer Workshop:
Imagery, Sensory Detail, and Diction
a. In writing a personal essay/narrative, a story-like feel
is necessary; part of this is imagery.
There are a couple ways we can enhance that imagery.
1) One is to improve our word choice.
a. Handout: alternative verbs
b. Handout: sensory words
2) Another is to develop our imagery
and sensory details.
a. A method for getting our details
and imagery: The Sense Chart.
b. Create a sample sense chart on
board or overhead.
c. Use your sensory words to fill
out your sense chart; you’ll also do this again when you put the details into
your paper.
c. Create a sense chart from memory for
your Personal Experience Essay. Have checked when done.
d. If you get done in time, apply your
sense chart details to your Personal Experience Rough Draft.
e. Check
in Rough Drafts.
1. Journal: Describe a time
you were incredibly happy. Be specific
and vivid.
2. Grammar
of the Day 29
3. Writer Workshop:
Imagery, Diction, and Tone Extended Lesson
a. Get out a nice, clean sheet of
b. At the top, write in capital letters:
c. Now, think of a
time you became very angry – teacher will now lead you through Guided Imagery.
d. Open up your eyes and quickly write a
paragraph capturing the imagery and angry tone of your experience.
e. Finally, take that paragraph and write a
poem out of it.
1) Poem should be 10 lines.
2) Poem’s tone should be intensely angry
but you may not use profanity.
3) Poem can be about the situation or
just use the situation to create images of anger.
4) Use your sensory handout to help you
with improving imagery.
5) Remember, the point of this is to
learn how to create intense tone with vivid imagery and diction. On the side, you’ll be learning better
f. Turn
in poem when done – it’s ok if it has revision marks on it.
g. Check
in Personal Essay Rough Drafts as you work.
1. Journal: none
2. Grammar
of the Day 30
3. Revision Workshop
a. Read Revising Strategy: Use Appropriate Details and Tone,
pp. 63-64, together.
b. Discuss the revisions that writer made.
c. Exchange RDs and answer the questions on pp. 64-65 on a separate
piece of paper for your peer read.
d. Bring
peer read and rough draft to me when done.
e. Complete revisions of your Personal
Experience essay.
f. SRD
due Tuesday, April 2.
1. Journal: 10 minute open
2. Grammar
of the Day 31
3. Miscellaneous Workshop
Choose from the following:
a. Finish Personal Essay RDs, Peer
b. Use a laptop to work on Enrichment.
c. Turn in any other late work.
d. Play Cranium or Mind Trap game.
4. Reminders
a. Enrichment
2 is due Monday, April 1.
b. Your
next quiz is Tuesday, April 2.
c. Personal Experience SRD due Tuesday, April 2.