Expository Writing 3/11 – 3/15




1. Journal: On a separate piece of paper, write out three things you’d like to have help with on your Courage Contest Essay.  Be specific about what you want or what you don’t feel confident in.

2. Grammar of the Day 14-22 quiz.
3. Writer Workshop: Peer Reading and Revision
    a. Using today’s journal, have your Courage Contest piece peer read.

    b. When peer reading is done, have RD and peer read checked in.

    c. Begin final revision.

    d. SRD and Final Copy due Wednesday though I suggest you finish it tonight.




1. Journal: 5 minute open write

2. Grammar of the Day 23
3. Writer Workshop: Proofreading

    a. Have your paper proofread for commas by our panel of experts.

    b. Trevor, Chad, Jennifer, Pete, CJ

    c. You may prepare your final copy now if you wish.

    d. SRD and FC due tomorrow.

4. Reader Workshop

    a. Read Chapter 4: pp. 54-60; complete Activity 1, p. 58 (1-5)

    b. Finish for HW.




1. Journal: Where do you come from?

2. Grammar of the Day 24
3. Fill out Contest Entry forms and turn in with FC; turn in SRD separately.

4. Writer Workshop: The Personal Experience Essay

    a. Introduce the Personal Experience Essay – using our Personal Narrative Scoring Guide (overhead).

    b. Why do this type of writing?

    c. Discuss questions on the student model pp. 56-58.  What does this do that we want to do?

    d. Review Guidelines for Writing a Successful Personal Experience Essay, pp. 58-60.

    e. Turn in Q’s from Activity 1.

5. HW: Read pp. 60-63.




1. Journal: What makes you unique?  Be precise and creative.

2. Grammar of the Day 25
3. Writer Workshop: Prewriting and Getting Started

    a. Purpose: to give insight into yourself & distinguish yourself from others.

    b. Audience: college admissions or job review board.

    c. Tone: what do you think?

    d. If possible, use your journal to generate ideas for your Personal Experience Essay.

    e. Having arrived at a suitable story to tell, informally outline your basic “plot” – chronological is best but others can work.

    f. Have informal outline checked.




1. Journal: none

2. Grammar of the Day 26
3. Writer Workshop: Starting your actual essay

    a. Look at Writing Strategy: Engage the Reader Immediately, pp. 62-63; discuss what the example does well.

    b. Write your introduction using the principals in the book’s example.

    c. When ready, continue drafting.

    d. RD due Tuesday, March 19.