Proficiency Week: altered schedule (37 minutes)
1. Journal: none
2. Grammar of the Day 18
3. Writing Contest Workshop
a. Celebrate Courage Contest.
b. Use your PW and Focus from last
Wednesday to draft your piece today.
c. Completed RD due next Monday, 3/11.
d. You
will be graded for your performance in class today (10 points).
4. Comma exercise results/notes due tomorrow.
5. Definition Essay FC with SRD is due Wednesday, 3/6; make sure you have your paper in class tomorrow.
1. Journal: none
2. Grammar of the Day 19
3. Turn in Comma Tutorial Notes.
4. Writer Workshop:
a. Proofread each other’s papers.
b. Concentrate on commas, especially the
ones we worked on in the tutorial.
5. Reminder: Definition Essay FC and SRD due tomorrow.
1. Journal: none
2. Grammar of the Day 20
3. Turn in any late Comma Tutorial notes.
4. Definition Essay Turn
a. Proofreader sign at end of FC.
b. Staple FC on top of SRD.
c. Turn
5. Writer Workshop: Using
Grammar to Create Style – 10 uncommon sentence patterns
a. Introduction
1) These sentence patterns give you options
in order to create sentence variety – a key and common component in most
criteria for high quality writing. The
intent is to make your writing fresh and purposeful.
2) The word we use for this is euphony
– the proper and pleasing sound of prose.
a) Don’t be afraid to experiment
even though they will seem awkward at first.
b) On the other hand, don’t offend
the ear either. And, definitely do not
overuse them.
3) Throughout the lessons, pay special
attention to the way grammar is being manipulated. I’ve found students often get insights into
grammar just by looking at how we can play with it – sometimes better than
studying the grammar by itself.
b. Take notes on the first five sentence
1) Note their patterns, grammar, and
2) Answer the question: Why would you
use this?
c. HW:
Create three examples of each type of sentence pattern we studied today.
1. Journal: none
2. Grammar of the Day 21
3. Writer Workshop: Using Grammar to Create Style – 10 uncommon sentence
a. Take notes on the second five
sentence patterns.
1) Note their patterns, grammar, and
2) Answer the question: Why would you
use this?
c. HW:
Create three examples of each type of sentence pattern we studied today.
4. Report Enrichment 2 pick tomorrow.
5. Make sure you have your Courage Contest piece in class tomorrow.
1. Journal: none
2. Grammar of the Day 22
3. Sign up for second enrichment.
4. Turn in sentence pattern practice – could be changed to Monday if we
have a couple more to cover.
5. Writer Workshop
a. Cover and patterns we missed. If so, do the three examples for those and
turn all examples in Monday.
c. Apply at least one of the new sentence
patterns we have studied and show it to me.
Automatic 5 points extra credit.
6. Reminders
a. Courage
Contest full RD due Monday, 3/11.
b. Grammar of the Day Quiz Monday.