Expository Writing 2/11 – 2/15




1. Journal: none.

2. Grammar of the Day 1 – 6 quiz.

3. Reminder: Both SRDs of your 1st two pieces with a final copy of one of them should be in your portfolio as of today.

4. Fill out Enrichment Sign up sheet if you haven’t already.

5. Writer’s Workshop: Definition Essay
    a. Discuss topic filters:

        1) Personal taste: pare your topics down to things you think you’d enjoy or find interesting.

        2) Criteria 1, p. 123: does your topic have enough characteristics to make it interesting and “fully-developable?”

        3) Criteria 2, p. 123: make sure you can develop your topic in a way that is interesting to your intended audience.  Who is or will be your audience?

        4) Consider your purpose in writing a Definition Essay.  Wouldn’t hurt to write it down.

    b. Share your topic, purpose, audience.  Have topic checked in.

6. HW: Read Chapter 1: Prewriting




1. Journal: 10 minute open write

2. Grammar of the day 7

3. Writer’s Workshop: Prewriting
    a. Discuss the various methods suggested in Chapter One: we will return to these with each paper we write.

    b. Focus: Classical Invention: pp. 9-11.

        1) Examine the strategy and the example in the book together.

        2) Do Activity 2, p. 11.  If someone in your group has one of the topics, do that one to give them some extra help.

        3) Share results with class.

    c. Read Prewriting Strategy: Classical Invention pp. 123-124 before starting your prewriting to get some ideas.

    d. Do your prewriting for your Definition Essay in Classical Invention style – due tomorrow.

4. Have topic checked in during activity if needed.




1. Journal: Book of Questions
2. Grammar of the day 8

3. Writer’s Workshop
    a. Select your paper’s focus and purpose based on your Classical Invention PW.  (10 minutes) Your audience is the class, including me.

    b. Have PW checked during focusing session.

    c. Read pp. 124-125 together: Writing Strategy: Make the Organization Reflect the Purpose

        1) Discuss: How does the student’s organization match her purpose?  What is her purpose?

        2) Discuss the overall organization:

            a) There will be a thesis at the end of the introduction – perhaps better called a controlling idea for the definition.

            b) She is using a topic sentence for each idea.  You should be sure to do the same.

    d. Create an outline for your Definition Essay in any format you wish.  Be sure to include your thesis and topic sentences.  Due Tuesday, 2/19.




1. Journal: none
2. Grammar of the day 9

3. Writer’s Workshop
    a. You have been recruited into Cupid’s Army as the Ambassador of Love.  As a part of your duties, you are to explain to those who do not believe in love what exactly it is that Cupid brings to them.  To this end, write a 40 minute essay defining love to such an audience.

    b. Place draft in Portfolio.

4. Reminder: OL for Definition Essay is due Tuesday, 2/19.

5. HW: Read Understanding the Definition Essay, pp. 118-119 & Guidelines for a Successful Definition Essay, pp. 121-122.




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