Expository Writing 2/4 – 2/8




1. Journal: What are your strengths and weaknesses as a writer; what types of writing do you like to do?  What types do you hate doing?  Tell anything else about yourself as a writer that you wish.

2. Grammar of the day 2

3. Have both pieces and portfolio checked in during journal and small group activities.

4. Turn in paper Parent Info forms if needed.

5. Reader/Writer's Workshop
    a. Discuss journal – how we see ourselves as writers. 

        1) What is the relationship between what we like and how well we do?

        2) How about when we are given a choice vs. when we are told what and how to write.

    b. Small Group Reader’s Roundtable – 4 each.

         1) Pass around or read aloud your Assigned Topic and Type Essays.

         2) Discuss pieces and select the best one from your group.

         3) Repeat the same procedure for your Personal Choice Essay.

    c. Full group sharing and discussion:

        1) Read various best pieces.

        2) For each, explore:

            a) What you liked in the various writings – how you responded to them.

            b) Would you call each type an essay?  Why or why not?

            c) What kind of writing would you call it?  Why?

    d. Place both pieces in Portfolio when done.



1. Journal: 7 minute Free Write.

2. Grammar of the day 3

3. Seats

4. Have 2 pieces and portfolio checked if you haven’t already.

5. Turn in paper Parent Info forms if needed.

6. Portfolio/Enrichment Workshop (with computer overhead)

    a. Set up Portfolios.

    b. Examine the Enrichment component of the class.

    c. Assign Enrichment choice: Due F, 2/8.

7. Reader’s/Writer’s Workshop

    a. Continue & conclude reading and discussions from yesterday.

    b. Choose one of your first pieces to polish: both SRDs and your chosen final copy should be in your portfolio by M, 2/11.




1. Journal: What is your definition of a good time? You have plenty of time to write so don’t hesitate to extend your definition.

2. Grammar of the day 4

3. Reader/Writer Workshop
    a. Using the book.  It’s my first time with it too, so I intend to use it to see what works.  Consider yourself the lab rat!

    b. Read the Professional Model for Chapter 8, pp. 127-129.

    c. Answer questions 1-5, p. 130.

    d. If you finish early, move on to tonight’s homework.

4. Have 2 pieces and portfolio checked if you haven’t already.

5. HW: Read Chapter 8, pp. 117-122; answer Q’s 1-5, pp. 120-121 on same paper as today’s in-class work for tomorrow.

6. Reminder: SRDs of your first two pieces and your chosen final copy should be in your portfolio Monday.




1. Journal: Now that you’ve read both a student and a professional model of a definition essay, what do you think of them?  If you like them, tell why and what you think you’ll enjoy in writing them.  If you don’t like them, tell how you might take that type of writing and make it more enjoyable for yourself.

2. Grammar of the day 5
3. Reader/Writer’s Workshop
    a. Focus on question 1, p. 130: Purpose – importance of purpose.

    b. Audience: to whom are they writing?  Importance of audience.

    c. Review the questions for both models as appropriate. Hand in questions.

    d. Topic selection: possible topics.

        1) Brainstorm possible topics together.

        2) Of course, come up with a few of your own as we go as well.

    e. Then, “strain” topics through your filters:

        1) Personal taste: pare your topics down to things you think you’d enjoy or find interesting.

        2) Criteria 1, p. 123: does your topic have enough characteristics to make it interesting and “fully-developable?”

        3) Criteria 2, p. 123: make sure you can develop your topic in a way that is interesting to your intended audience.  Who is or will be your audience?

        4) Consider your purpose in writing a Definition Essay.  Wouldn’t hurt to write it down.

    f. Establish your topic: due Monday.

4. Reminder: SRDs of your first two pieces and your chosen final copy should be in your portfolio Monday




1. Journal: 10 minute Open Write.

2. Grammar of the day 6

3. Enrichment Workshop (with laptop labs)

    a. Select Enrichment Choice – put on Enrichment Pick sheet passed around class.

    b. Begin Enrichment Work.

    c. Due dates for Enrichment are 3/1 and 4/1.

4. Reminder: Both SRDs of your first two pieces and your chosen final copy should be in your portfolio Monday.  Also, have a topic picked for your Definition Essay by Monday.