"We're All Walter Mitty" Daydream Skits

The fun of James Thurber's "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" lies in its ability to playfully explore the all-to-human tendency to absent-mindedly daydream.  So, let's play! Your group's task is to script, stage, and perform a short play that brings to life a daydream any person might have.  Your character can be a teenager just like you, a little kid, or an adult; simply put them in a situation that could cause them to daydream and let the fun ensue.
Requirements & Grading Criteria
  • Groups of 3 or 4 only
  • 1.5 to 2 minutes of live performance
  • Fully developed, well-written, and properly formatted typed script - absolutely no improv!
  • At least a six cell Story Board with appropriate drafting at every step
  • Costumes, Props, Sound Effects - bring it to life!
  • Memorized & Well-Performed, including observed evidence of quality rehearsals
  • Sense of Surrealism - verisimilitude like non-sense words that sound "almost" right and machines that "could" exist, heroic actions, corniness, good costumes, sound effects, props, dialogue; daydreams are "almost" real but something definitely hints that they are not
  • Demonstrates understanding of character motivation - specifically, Escapism.
  • Demonstrates use of at least some of Thurber's techniques: subtle humor, conflict, irony, theme, stereotype, verisimilitude
  • Plot begins with a triggering event and ends with a "snap-out-of-it" event; at least one detail in the daydream should connect to the real world.
  • Intelligent, Creative, Engaging, & Entertaining - Demonstrate the ability to go beyond the obvious (a guy daydreams about picking up girls - too obvious!) and the obtuse (dirty jokes and innuendo are too easy - why do you think all the current shows use them?).
  • Full Collaborative Effort
Helpful Hints
  • Before you do anything else, write up a work plan based on the Requirements & Grading Criteria above.  Break the task into parts and make someone responsible for each part.  This will save you serious headaches later and will ensure you meet the requirement for Full Collaborative Effort.  It doesn't hurt to have a leader either - someone your group trusts to make tough decisions along the way and who can communicate with me when your group needs something.
  • Don't just settle for the obvious first choice of character or even daydream.  Give it some brainstorming and drafting effort.  Remember, we are looking for true creative thought here, not just the first goofy, fun idea that pops up.  (Though it may end up being just that in the end!)
  • Storyboards are HUGE in a project like this because they are both written and visual - they are what will make your play really work on the stage.  Expect me to want to see especially exceptional effort on that part of your planning.
  • Good, enthusiastic acting can carry you a long way - have fun with this and you will do very well.
  • Intelligence.  Enough said.


"We're All Walter Mitty" Daydream Skits Grading Guide

  Masterful Proficient Developing
Fully developed, well-written, & properly formatted typed script 10        9 8        7 6   5   4   3   2   1   0
Costumes, Props, Sound Effects - bring it to life! 10        9 8        7 6   5   4   3   2   1   0
Memorized & Well-Performed (reflects good rehearsal) 10        9 8        7 6   5   4   3   2   1   0
Sense of Surrealism - "almost real"  10        9 8        7 6   5   4   3   2   1   0
Demonstrates understanding of character motivation - specifically, Escapism. 10        9 8        7 6   5   4   3   2   1   0
Demonstrates use of at least some of Thurber's techniques: subtle humor, conflict, irony, theme, stereotype, verisimilitude 10        9 8        7 6   5   4   3   2   1   0
Plot begins with a triggering event and ends with a "snap-out-of-it" event 10        9 8        7 6   5   4   3   2   1   0
At least one detail in the daydream should connect to the real world. 10        9 8        7 6   5   4   3   2   1   0
Creative, Engaging, & Entertaining - go beyond the obvious and the obtuse. 10        9 8        7 6   5   4   3   2   1   0
Full Collaborative Effort 10        9 8        7 6   5   4   3   2   1   0


_____ of 100 = _____ of 50  

Other Grades

At least a six cell Story Board with appropriate drafting at every step _______ of 25 Observed evidence of quality rehearsals
_______ of 25