Night Essential Questions Generator
Level 1: Fact Collection: counting, defining, describing, listing, naming, recalling data.
Level 2: Processing of Information: comparing, contrasting, classifying, distinguishing, explaining.
Level 3: See Relationships and Patterns: making analogies, evaluating, hypothesizing, imagining, predicting, idealizing.
Question | Level | Thinking |
Which literary devices does Wiesel use to develop his memoir? | 1 | Naming |
When and where are the settings of the chapters in Night? | 1 | Selecting |
What is a kapo? | 1 | Identifying |
How does Wiesel use literary devices to develop the emotion of each chapter? | 2 | Explaining |
What current world situations closely resemble the conditions described in the book? | 2 | Comparison/ Contrast |
Which of Maslow's Needs are manipulated in Night? | 2 | Classifying |
Why did some people turn against their own kind and become a kapo? | 2 | Explaining |
What effects do Wiesel's use of literary techniques have on the reader and why are they effective? | 3 | Evaluating |
What could the major characters of the book have done differently to help their fellow prisoners? | 3 | Hypothesizing |
How do you think you would have reacted if you had been in Elie’s shoes at key points throughout the book? | 3 | Imagining |
Would I have been a kapo? | 3 | Hypothesizing |
Extra EQ (required by all): Summarize the activities for the Holocaust IDU week, highlighting those activities that affected you the most. Then, answer this question: What does the Holocaust mean to me? (approximate length of answer: 2 paragraphs) | 1/3 | Summarizing/ Evaluating |