Monday 5/23 |
2. a. Assign Exam Review Sheet. b. c. Distribute grade sheets & return work. d. Verify all work and missing work, check no name folder; all work due by Friday. 3. E a. Finish poetry selection 3 from our practice exam. b. 1) Paraphrase RnJ - use the quizzes we used. *Summarize too. 2) If time, sample paraphrase based on a thesis to be proven. 4. HW: 1) Review for exam(s); 2) All missing work due F. |
Tuesday 5/24 |
2. a. b. Reminder: All missing work due by Friday - turn in if you have it today. c. Reminder: Exam review underway. 3. a. Prewrite, outline, and draft responses. b. Most of your time will likely be spent finding some good quotes. c. Finish on own - due Thursday! 4. HW: |
Wednesday 5/25 |
2. b. Reminder: All missing work due by Friday - turn in if you have it today. c. Reminder: Exam review underway. 3. 4. HW: |
Thursday 5/26 |
2. b. Reminder: All missing work due by tomorrow - turn in if you have it today. c. Reminder: Exam review underway. d. Period 2: Speech makeup 3. a. If needed, continue and finish paraphrase review. b. Review Literary devices you need to know for the exam. c. Tips for reading section. d. 4. HW: |
Friday 5/27 |
2. b. Return books. c. Clean out portfolios. b. Reminder: Exam is 7:40 Tuesday. 3. Exam Prep Workshop Any review still needed. 4. Final Writing Dear Me as a Senior. 5. HW: Exam 7:40 Tuesday - study as needed. |