English 9 Daily Agendas:  March 7 - March 11
Monday 3/7 - Shortened Period: 32 minutes OGT Schedule
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: After activity if time - response to activity.
2. Business
    a. Assign: Finish all drafting of Courage Speech by next Monday.
        *We will cover troublesome sections in class next week.
    b. Assign: Read Night Ch. 3 with vocab marking & study guide questions by Thursday.
    c. Turn in late/missing work.
Holocaust IDU
    a. Introductory Activity: Creating Empathy
    b. Journal response during and after activity.
4. HW: 1) Night Ch. 3 w/ vocab and study guide by R; 2) Courage speech outline / drafting finished by next M.
Tuesday 3/8 - Shortened Period: 32 minutes OGT Schedule
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
    a. Reminder: Finish all drafting of Courage Speech by next Monday.
        *We will cover troublesome sections in class next week.
    b. Reminder: Read Night Ch. 3 with vocab marking & study guide questions by W.
    c. Turn in late/missing work.

Holocaust IDU
    a. View Night and Fog *Combined classes.
Complete Viewer's Guide & turn in.
        *Absent students complete the Alternate Assignment (pp. 2-3 of the
Viewer's Guide).
4. HW: 1) Complete Night & Fog Viewer's Guide if needed;
2) Night Ch. 3 w/ vocab and study guide by R; 3) Courage speech outline / drafting finished by M.
Wednesday 3/9 - Shortened Period: 32 minutes OGT Schedule
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
2. Business
    a. Turn in Night & Fog Viewer's Guide if needed.
Reminder: Finish all drafting of Courage Speech by next Monday.
        *We will cover troublesome sections in class next week.
    c. Reminder: Read Night Ch. 3 with vocab marking & study guide questions by R.
    d. Turn in late/missing work.

Holocaust IDU
    a. The Principles of Symbolism.
        *These are very much archetypes.
    b. If time allows, PW & RD your Holocaust Memorial Tile.
4. HW: 1) PW & RD Holocaust Memorial Tile
; 2) Night Ch. 3 w/ vocab and study guide by R; 3) Courage speech outline / drafting finished by M.
Thursday 3/10 - Shortened Period: 32 minutes OGT Schedule
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
2. Business
    a. Turn in Study Guide Questions for Chapters 1-3..
Reminder: Finish all drafting of Courage Speech by next Monday.
        *We will cover troublesome sections in class next week.
    c. Assign: Read Night Ch. 4 with vocab marking & study guide questions by T.
    d. Turn in late/missing work.

3. Holocaust IDU - Holocaust Memorial Tile
    a. Have a peer or two critique your tile to see if they "get it."
    b. Make any adjustments needed.
    c. Create your FC and write your explanatory paragraph on the back.
        *It's ok to write this on a separate piece of paper to glue to the back.
4. HW: 1) Finish FC of Holocaust Memorial Tile;
2) Night Ch. 4 w/ vocab and study guide by T; 3) Courage speech outline / drafting finished by M. .
Friday 3/11 - Shortened Period: 32 minutes OGT Schedule
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
2. Business
Reminder: Finish all drafting of Courage Speech by next Monday.
        *We will cover troublesome sections in class next week.
    b. Reminder: Read Night Ch. 4 with vocab marking & study guide questions by T.
    c. Turn in late/missing work.

Holocaust IDU
a. Turn in RD of Holocaust Memorial Tile.
    b. Present Tile to class and hang on wall.

4. HW:
1) Night Ch. 4 w/ vocab and study guide by T; 3) Courage speech outline / drafting finished by M.