Monday 2/28 |
2. a. Announce: Have your two novels (CN & Night) with you everyday. I'll let you know when you need your literature book. b. Due: Night books in class – have checked ASAP.
c. Turn in
a. Finish Wiesel bio video & *Have checked when done during novel sharing time. 4. Reader's Workshop: Courage Novel (if time allows) a. Courage Novel sharing - impromptu. 1) State your book and briefly summarize. 2) State your definition of courage. *Classmates: write down the different definitions you hear. 3) Tell how your book shows courage. 4) Rate the book. 5. HW: none |
Tuesday 3/1 |
2. a. Reminder: Have your two novels (CN & Night) with you everyday. I'll let you know when you need your literature book. b. Due: Night books in class – have checked ASAP.
c. Turn in
3. a. Distribute and review Night map and timeline (handout only available in class). b. Assign: You must keep your own vocabulary log for the book. (highlight? note pad?) c. Assign: Find and print out a Night character list from the internet. 4. a. Assign: Courage Speech - review assignment. *Notice the various ways you can do this. b. Write out initial definition of courage on assignment sheet and circle the type of speech you wish to give. c. Assign: Record 10 quotes to support your definition of courage - due Thursday. 5. HW: 1) Find and print out a Night character list from the internet; 2) Find 10 quotes to support your Courage Speech definition for Thursday. |
Wednesday 3/2 - Shortened Period: 2 Hour Late Start |
2. a. Reminder: Have your two novels (CN & Night) with you everyday. I'll let you know when you need your literature book. b. Due: Night character lists - checked during reading time.
c. Turn in
3. a. b. Answer Chapter 1 follow up questions. 4. HW: 1) Finish Night Ch. 1 Q's if needed; 2) 10 quotes for Courage Speech due tomorrow. |
Thursday 3/3 |
2. a. b. Due: Night Ch. 1 c. Due: 10 Courage Quotes from Novel. 3. Reader/Speech Workshop: Courage Novel a. Review b. Assign Step Two: Outlining your speech with graphic organizer. *Click HERE for the .doc version if you'd like to type it! *Click HERE for the .pdf version. *You are allowed to use your own outlining method under two conditions: 1) It actually is an accepted OUTLINE form. 2) You use the graphic organizer as a checklist. c. Creating a thesis - hone several on overhead. d. Finish outline for HW if needed. 5. HW: Finish Courage Speech outline (graphic organizer). |
Friday 3/4 |
2. a. b. Due: c. Distribute & Review: Worksheet - Short Answer Rubric d. PERIOD 3: Distribute next week's schedule. 3. Grades & "Catch Up" Workshop a. Latest Grades Report b. Print out and complete any missing work. c. Turn in. 4. a. Read Ch. 2 with vocab log & answer b. Work on Courage Speech Outline, Draft, or even note cards. 5. HW: |