English 9 4/26 - 4/30

Monday 4/26
Shortened Periods for IDU: 42 minutes

1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
Business: Reminder: Shakespeare Made Easy (No Fear Shakespeare).
Thinker's Workshop: R&J Pre-reading
    a. Perfect Mate/Marriage/Relationships/Romance Rubrics!
    b. Groups of 3-5: 5 mins to finish and groups rotate to read others.
         1) Take notes to share with class when done.
         2) Share notes with class.
    c. Connect to play (One theme): What does each character think of love, marriage, etc?
    d. Show RSC version of Romeo and Juliet!

4. HW: none

Tuesday 4/27

1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Tell me everything you know about W. Shakespeare
2. Business:
Reminder: Shakespeare Made Easy (No Fear Shakespeare) & Start Bringing Books tomorrow.
Romeo & Juliet Workshop
    a. Background Video: In Search of Shakespeare
b. Take notes as needed.

4. HW: none

Wednesday 4/28
Shortened Periods for IDU: 40 minutes

1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
2. Business:
    a. Bring Books from now on.
    b. Assign: Do reading comprehension questions as needed.
        *Can be used to boost quiz grades.
Romeo & Juliet Workshop
    a. Discuss yesterday's video.
    b. Some other background notes.
    c. Distribute and Review: Cast Relationships Sheet & Comprehension Questions (Study Guide).
    d. Practice Chorus together.
        1) Basic premises of play.
        2) Iambic Pentameter & Sonnet formats: quatrains & couplets.

4. HW: Preview Act 1 of R&J - either online or in books.

Thursday 4/29
Shortened Periods for IDU: 38 minutes


1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
    a. Bring Books from now on.
    b. Reminder: Do reading comprehension questions as needed.
        *Can be used to boost quiz grades.

Romeo & Juliet Workshop
    a. Finish up Background notes and examine chorus.
    b. Cover other lit terms available in the chorus.

4. HW: none - work on IDU.


Friday 4/30


1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
IDU Workshop
    Wrap up your IDU work.

HW: none - work on IDU.