English 9 1/5 - 1/8

Tuesday 1/5 - Begin 3rd Quarter

1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Word of the Day: pecuniary
2. Business:
    a. Books: Sarah Byrnes, Night.
    b. Sale: Next Tuesday, January 12.
    c. Turn in Exam Essay Deduction explanations with exam.
3. Writer's Workshop

    a.Write Kick in the RIR nomination paragraph.
    b. Reminders: RIR and perfect paragraph - TS, 3 majors, at least 1 minor each, conclusion
Turn in - 15 minutes.
Choice Reading Workshop
    a. Finish generating ideas - work on a "working rubric".
    b. Begin prewriting and drafting.

5. HW: none

Wednesday 1/6 (Laptops 4&5)

1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Word of the Day: recapitulate
2. Business: Barnes & Noble sale will be by order.  (Distribute order forms to those who need it.)
Choice Reading Workshop
Begin work on Independent Reading Follow Up Project.
        1) NOTE - Due Friday at end of period.
        2) NOTE 2: It is expected that you have materials to work on each day.
    b. PROCESS! I will want to see prewriting, organization/drafting:  story boards, outlines, etc.
    c. Use computers as needed.
4. HW: Any work needed for your project.

Thursday 1/7 (Laptops 7 & 8)


1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Word of the Day: unctuous
2. Business:
Barnes & Noble sale will be by order.
Choice Reading Workshop
Continue work on Independent Reading Follow Up Project.
        1) REMINDER - Due Friday at end of period.
REMINDER 2: It is expected that you have materials to work on each day.
    b. PROCESS! I will want to see prewriting, organization/drafting:  story boards, outlines, etc.
    c. Use computers as needed.
4. HW: Any work needed for your project.


Friday 1/8


No School - Snow Day