English 9 11/23 - 11/27

Monday 11/23

1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: tba
2. Business
     a. No organizational check this week.
     b. Continue
reviewing all class vocabulary as part of your daily homework.
Seek out and procure a novel of your choice by Monday, 11/30.
Choice Reading Book Talk Project Workshop
    a. Final Filming/Production if needed.
    b. Be sure all materials turned in to Mr. Barton so he can process them for editing.

Reader's Workshop
    a. If we can, read & discuss various poems from Hopes and Dreams unit.
    b. Review/Practice: Class Terminology.

5. HW:
1) Review class vocabulary; 2) Find & get a novel of your own choice by 11/30.

Tuesday 11/24 - Teacher out for district in-service.

1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
     a. No organizational check this week.
     b. Continue
reviewing all class vocabulary as part of your daily homework.
3. Team Activit
a. Altered Schedule for Variety Show.
    b. Various team activities.
4. HW: none

Wednesday 11/25 - Friday 11/27

No School - Thanksgiving Break