Monday 10/26 - Begin 2nd Quarter
2. Business: Grade Cards come out Friday
3. Student Workshop
a. Final grade print
outs distributed - Assign: Signed and
returned tomorrow.
c. Turn in: Character
Analysis Materials: (separately) Graphic Organizer, Perfect Paragraph Organizer,
Final Copy
4. Writer's Workshop
b. What to cover: Responsibility, Integrity, Respect.
c. Review Perfect Paragraph - Topic Sentence, Three Majors,
at least One Minor per Major, Clincher.
d. Use the process - FC due tomorrow.
5. HW:
Tuesday 10/27
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer:
a. Grade Cards come out Friday
b. Turn in signed grade
print outs.
c. Turn in Kick in the
RIR perfect paragraphs.
3. Writer's Workshop (Laptops 4 &
a. Receive Rooftop Lab Rubric.
b. Go to
- open file and view comments.
c. Do online journal:
Rooftop Lab Lessons Learned.
4. Thinker's Workshop: What is Analysis?
a. Meet
The Wheel
- just like your G.O. from the Character Analysis.
b. It's a thinking skill - not just a reading skill!
Analysis Introduction Activity
1) Review the assignment.
2) Begin with
Analysis Wheel Graphic
Organizer - due tomorrow.
5. HW: Finish Analysis Wheel Graphic Organizer.
Wednesday 10/28
a. Grade Cards come out Friday
b. Turn in late signed
grade print outs.
c. Turn in late Kick in
the RIR perfect paragraphs.
a. Use graphic
organizer to prepare your speech or paragraph.
1) Find out how many speeches we will
2) Check graphic organizers and
conference as needed.
b. Begin speeches last 10-15 minutes as students are ready.
c. Turn in all materials when done.
4. HW: Any Analysis Intro work as needed.
Thursday 10/29 (Laptop Carts 9 & 10)
a. Grade Cards come out Friday.
b. Turn in late signed
grade print outs.
c. Turn in late Kick in
the RIR perfect paragraphs.
Finish Analysis Intro Activity
4. Reader Workshop
Go to eCampus and complete the
Choice Reading Selections Activity and Journal.
5.HW: none
Friday 10/30 (Periods Shortened for Blue Team Celebration)
a. Grade Cards come out today.
b. Turn in late signed
grade print outs.
c. Turn in late Kick in
the RIR perfect paragraphs.
a. Get book.
b. Begin reading - SSR.
4. HW: