English 9 10/19 - 10/23

Monday 10/19

1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
2. Business
    a. Organization check: none this week
    b. Reminder:
Character Analysis Graphic Organizers due tomorrow.
    c. Assign: eCampus online journal make up - due Friday.

3. No class: World Studies & Spanish IDU workshop day.
4. HW:
1) Character Analysis Graphic Organizers due tomorrow; 2) Online journal make-up for those who need it.

Tuesday 10/20

1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Quick Quiz - Formative Assessment of Characterization Methods (take-n-grade)
    a. Organization check: none this week.
Reminder: eCampus online journal make up - due Friday.
Reader/Writer Workshop
Character Analysis Graphic Organizer due today - checked during work time.
    b. Review the five methods of characterization.
    c. Make sure you have a good main idea - topic sentence - thesis (all the same thing)
    d. Use your
Organizer to fill out the Character Analysis Perfect Paragraph Outliner for George or Lennie.
    e. Due Friday.

4. HW: 1) Finish Character Analysis Perfect Paragraph Outliner for
Friday; 2) Online journal make-up for those who need it.

Wednesday 10/21

1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
    a. Organization check: none this week.
Reminder: Perfect Paragraph Outliner due Friday.
Reminder: eCampus online journal make up - due Friday.
    d. Bring Lit Books tomorrow.
Writer's Workshop: Absolute Monarchy Game
    a. In English: Writing Clear Directions - everyone should be involved in this.
        *If you finish early, you may work on other aspects of your project, your Character Analysis Outliner, or HW for another class.
    b. In World Studies: Organizing groups and understanding the assignment.
    c. In Math: Creating your box.
    d. In Spanish: Culture Lesson (
non-IDU) or just IDU Worktime.
4. HW:
1) Finish Game Directions as needed; 2) Character Analysis Perfect Paragraph Outliner due Friday; 3) Online journal make-up for those who need it.

Thursday 10/22


1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
    a. Organization check: none this week.
Reminder: Perfect Paragraph Outliner due tomorrow.
c. Reminder: eCampus online journal make up - due tomorrow.
Keep bringing lit and OMM books.
Reader Workshop
Handout: "Marigolds" Active Reading & Literacy Strategy
        1) Preview Vocabulary
        2) Assign: Literacy Strategy Chart on handout - complete as you read.
        3) Thoroughly read p. 74 before reading the story
    b. SSR: Eugenia Collier's "Marigolds" - pp. 75 to 84 in literature book - doing your chart as you go.
    c. If needed, finish for HW.
4. HW:
1) Character Analysis Perfect Paragraph Outliner due tomorrow; 2) "Marigolds" reading & chart if needed; 3) Online journal make-up for those who need it.


Friday 10/23 - End 1st Quarter


1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Quick Quiz - Formative Assessment of Characterization in "Marigolds" (take-n-grade)
    a. Organization check: none this week.
    b. Today is the end of the first nine weeks - grade cards come out next Friday.

    c. Turn in "Marigolds" Active Reading/Literacy Strategy charts.
d. Keep bringing lit and OMM books
Reminder: eCampus online journal make up - due today.
Reader/Writer Workshop
Character Analysis Perfect Paragraph Outliner due today.
    b. Looking at a sample outline - use to be sure yours is ready to go.
    c. Use G.O. to draft your Character Analysis Perfect Paragraph.
4. HW: Finish RD/FC of Character Analysis Perfect Paragraph.