Monday 10/12
Periods slightly shortened for DVD late start.
2. Business
a. Assign: Have your OMM
Lit Terms Worksheet completed by Wednesday.
b. No organization check this week.
3. Viewer's Workshop: OMM Movie
a. What to watch for:
Viewer's Guide
b. Watch movie.
4. HW: OMM Lit Terms worksheet due Wednesday.
Tuesday 10/13
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer:
a. Reminder: Have your
OMM Lit Terms Worksheet completed by Wednesday.
b. No organization check this week.
a. Reminder:
4. HW:
Wednesday 10/14
a. OMM Lit Terms Worksheet due today.
b. No organization check this week.
3. Reader/Writer Workshop
a. Discuss the lit terms and their use: technique used
to build theme, character, etc...
b. Focus: Character - the five types of characterization -
they are on the
Character Analysis Activity Worksheet.
1) Which are direct? Which are
2) Static vs. Dynamic Characters
c. Highlight passages & begin work on
Character Analysis Graphic Organizer.
*This is due next Tuesday.
d. OMM Lit Terms Worksheet checked during Character Analysis
work time.
4. HW:
Thursday 10/15
No organization check this week.
a. Watch movie &
respond to last questions as a journal.
b. Finish up
c. Discussion: the movie version - likes, dislikes, critique.
4. Reader/Writer Workshop (as time allows)
a. Working on Highlighting &
d. Reminder: These are due
in class next Tuesday.
5. HW:
Friday 10/16
No School - COI Day