2. Business:
a. Rooftop Lab Papers due today -
end of period.
b. 1st Period - Make up Planner
Check from Friday!
c. This week's organization check: Notebooks.
Upload final copy to
c. Due tomorrow:
Have Original Notes, Graphic Organizer, RRD and Peer Readings for turn in as well.
4. HW: none
Tuesday 10/6
2. Business:
a. Be sure your Rooftop Lab paper is uploaded!
b. All students turn in materials:
c. This week's organization check: Notebooks.
3. Student Workshop
Guidance Presentation
- transcripts, etc.
4. HW: none
Wednesday 10/7
a. Turn in late/absent Rooftop Lab Papers and materials.
b. This week's organization check: Notebooks.
3. Reader's Workshop: Returning to
b. Visually Representing Relationships:
Creating a Sociogram.
*Show examples.
c. Drafting:
2) Arrange on desk until you have it
just the way you want it.
3) Glue to a piece of paper.
4) You may begin creating your
Sociogram if you are ready.
4. HW: Finish RD of Sociogram.
Thursday 10/8
a. Turn in late/absent Rooftop Lab Papers and materials.
b. This week's organization check: Notebooks.
c. Checking Plot & Character
charts during work time.
d. Take down but keep "Where I'm From" Poems.
3. Reader's Workshop: OMM Visually Representing Relationships
a. Create FC of Sociogram.
d. Share with class and hang on wall.
4. HW:
Friday 10/9
a. Turn in any late work you might have.
b. This week's organization check: Notebooks.
3. Reader's Workshop: OMM
a. Finish and post Sociogram for OMM.
b. Begin finding definitions for OMM literary devices.
(Handout in class - not online.)
4. HW: none