Creative Writing:  Multigenre Research Paper


This is a chance to pursue a passion you have in Creative Writing.  Or you might want to research and write about an area that you simply want to know more about.  You will research extensively and then communicate your learning through a multigenre research project where you meld the factual, emotional, and imaginative.  Use anything available to you for creation, discovery, and communication.  Try the untried.  Risk everything. 


Your multigenre research paper is due ___________________________.


Required Sources


You must have a minimum of _________ sources.


·        Articles from professional journals or book chapters

·        Internet Sources

·        Primary materials: interview, testimony, observations


            Note:  The internet contains the good, the bad, and the ugly. 

            There is no screening for quality.  So gauge the quality.  I

            definitely don’t want you simply pasting material into the

            paper (that’s plagiarism). I want to see an original piece of

            work from you.


Required Genres or Pieces Your Project Must Contain


·        Brief informational essay, 250-300 words.  Make this straight-forward.  Boil the topic down to essentials.

·        Table of Contents

·        Preface/Introduction

·        Microfiction

·        Poetry in a contemporary style

·        A visual element

·        At least three crots with one exploded into a larger piece

·        A character sketch

·        Non-fiction piece

·        A note page

·        A bibliography

·        Unifying elements—repetend, repeated images, orthographic variation, etc.