Just Sandwiches

(Thanks to Sheryl Weinberg, Southeast Island School District Ketchikan, AK)



You may not have known it, but your lifelong dream has been to own your own restaurant -- and it is about to come true!  Of course, you realize that you are going to have to separate your eatery from the competition, so you have decided that your special "hook" is that your place serves ONLY SANDWICHES!  It doesn't matter what the course, appetizer or breakfast or the Dinner of the Day, it is a sandwich.



With that in mind, you and three other restaurateurs must come up with your restaurant's THEME, MENU (with recipes), and MARKETING.  Once all your materials are created, you will present your enterprise to the class, who will evaluate your work and choose the most unusual sandwich from your menu.  Finally, you and your team of chefs will make and eat the most unique item on your menu for the class.  Bon appetite!


If you choose to print this document, it is divided into three separate pages: the assignment (1), the rubrics (2), and the journal prompts (3).  Please select the one or ones you want only.






1. Brainstorm sandwiches and themes.

2. Decide on a theme and write sandwich menu (recipes).

3. Make a real menu and create a print ad for your restaurant.

4. Participate in judging the other restaurants.

5. Make and eat your sandwich for the class.




EVALUATION: You will be graded using the criteria below.

HOW MANY:              Total number of sandwiches, up to 20

DIVERSITY:              Categories of sandwiches: cleverness

UNIQUENESS:         One-of-a-Kind sandwiches: creativity & originality

PRESENTATION:     Quality of menu presented and marketing effectiveness of ad

PARTICIPATION:      You ate your sandwich!


Just Sandwiches Evaluation Rubric


Name of Restaurant:__________________________________________________________





_____of 10        HOW MANY:     18-20         16-17           14-15    12-13    fewer than 12


_____of 10        DIVERSITY:      very clever categories     good     boring       I’m not eating here.


_____of 10        UNIQUENESS: intriguing           interesting         predictable          McDonald’s


_____of 10        PRESENTATION:          Looks delicious!    Let’s try it!     If starving    No Way.


_____of 10        EATING:                       I can’t believe you ate that thing!              You coward!


_____of 50        TOTAL










Just Sandwiches Evaluation Rubric


Name of Restaurant:__________________________________________________________





_____of 10        HOW MANY:     18-20         16-17           14-15    12-13    fewer than 12


_____of 10        DIVERSITY:      very clever categories     good     boring       I’m not eating here.


_____of 10        UNIQUENESS: intriguing           interesting         predictable          McDonald’s


____of 10          PRESENTATION:          Looks delicious!    Let’s try it!     If starving    No Way.


_____of 10        EATING:                       I can’t believe you ate that thing!              You coward!


_____of 50        TOTAL





Just Sandwiches Journal Prompts


1. Describe the best sandwich you've ever had.  Write at least five full sentences and don't forget to use as many senses as possible.



2. Describe the best thing or your favorite thing you can cook.  Include how to make it and why you like it so much.



3. Tell the story of the worst dinner out you ever experienced.  This could be with family, friends, or, perhaps best, a bad date.



4. How do you select or judge restaurants:  What are your criteria and how do you measure them?  Then, tell of you favorite restaurants and what makes them so good.



5. In your mind, whose sandwich was the best?  worst?  End this journal by describing your own sandwich eating experience using at least FIVE sentences and THREE senses.