(updated January 12, 2003)
_____1. Describe your
attitude about both reading and writing poetry.
Be specific about any likes or dislikes you have about it.
_____2. Open write in poetic
_____3. Write down a couple of your favorite riddles or make up a couple of your own.
_____4. Write a 10 line poem from an unusual point of view.
_____5. What are some of the
small things that you enjoy most in life? Describe
them. What do you think makes each
so special?
_____6. What are some of the small things that really irritate you in everyday
life? Describe them. What do you think makes each so annoying?
_____7. First Lines - in poetic form.
_____8. Write a 5 line poem with at least one metaphor about how you feel today.
_____9. What if? in poetic form.
_____10. 10 line poem telling
your best friend why you like him/her.
_____ of 10 completed acceptably = _____of 25
Poems with SRDs
_____1. Point of View Poem
_____2. Illustrated version of your Guided Imagery
poem w/ reverse tone version in portfolio.
_____3. Metaphor Poem
_____4. Ode
_____5. Catalog Verse
_____6. 3 Shape Poems: 1 Concrete, 1 Pattern, 1 Diamante
_____7. 3 Form Poems: 1 Haiku, 1 Tanka, 1 Cinquain
_____8. 3 Playing with Rhyme + Poems: 1 Limerick, 1 Eye Rhyme, 1 Acrostic
_____ of 14 poems completed acceptably = _____of 25
_____1. Two paragraph
commentary on your favorite poem telling why you like it and exploring your
interpretation of how the poem was written.
Your 12 O'clock News interpretive drawing.
August imagery exercises (from handout).
Guided Imagery descriptive paragraph.
_____5. Mother to Son
extended metaphor exercises.
_____ of 5 exercises completed acceptably = _____of 25
Overall Impression = _____of 25
Assessment of original poetry according to Poetry Scoring Guide:_____
Overall impression of portfolio and learning: excellent good acceptable poor
Final Score:_____ of 100