Creative Writing Process and Publish Semester Exam

For your Creative Writing final exam, you are going to demonstrate your skills at every step of the writing workshop process - a process we have practiced and honed for over 50 hours this semester.  Your task is to use the next hour and fifteen minutes to select one (or more, if you have the time) poems you have written this semester, have it peer read thoroughly, complete a deep revision of it, edit it, and prepare its final copy, culminating in completing a Wordsmith submission form and submitting the pieces (or pieces) for publication.

You are being evaluated in the following areas:

20 points: A true, thorough peer reading of another's work
20 points: A true, thorough deep revision of your own work
20 points: An effective and accurate editing job
20 points: A professional preparation of a final copy, including submission form
20 points: Your use of time and cooperative spirit for the entire exam period

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