Creative Writing  4/14 – 4/18

Monday 4/14


1. Journal: Last lines: And that was the only thing he could remember from that fretful night.

2. Turn in any Short Story FCs

3. Writer’s Workshop – Microfiction!

    a. Small group roundtable for Microfiction 5: The Non-existent relative. Pass the work from person to person in groups of four – each person should write at least two suggestions for improvement on the back of the Microfiction.

    b. Assign Microfiction 6: Think of a particularly intense episode you have experienced as recently as possible - a concert, a ball game, a party, that sort of thing.  Now write a short narrative of it using all five of your senses to create "thick" imagery.  Due Monday, 4/21.


Tuesday 4/15


1. Journal: none

2. Turn in any Short Story FCs.

3. Creativity Workshop: Just Sandwiches
    a. Finish recipe RDs; remember: write these descriptively as if on a menu but be sure to include all ingredients.
    b. Draft your menu and ad -- include illustrations (thumbnails and storyboards).
Drafts of recipes, menu, and ads due today, tomorrow, & 4/22.

4. Reminder: Microfiction 6 due Monday, 4/21.


Wednesday 4/16


1. Journal: Just Sandwiches Journal #3: Tell the story of the worst dinner out you ever experienced.  This could be with family, friends, or, perhaps best, a bad date.

2. Imagery Workshop

    a. Discuss journal: read funny or particularly descriptive ones.

    b. Define imagery: language that appeals to the senses.

    c. Use sense chart and sense words. handout

    d. Do a practice sense chart: grandma’s house.

        1) do your own on your own sheet of paper – save the good one for your homework.

        2) share with class

    e. Assign: Do a sense chart of the cafeteria at lunch, dinner tonight, or a restaurant sometime in the next four days.  Due Tuesday, 4/22.

3. Reminders:

    a. If you have more to do on your group’s recipes, menu, or ad RDs, those are due Tuesday, 4/22. If yours are ready, just hold on to them to be checked.

    b. Microfiction 6 due Monday, 4/21.

Thursday 4/17


No School: Professional Development Day


Friday 4/18


No School: Good Friday