1. Journal: 5 minute open
2. Writer’s Workshop – Microfiction!
a. Full group roundtable for Microfiction
4: The Suspenseful Lie.
b. Assign Microfiction 5: Think
of a great family story of some type. Now, write the story but add a fictitious
relative to the story who somehow affects the plot. Due
Monday, 4/14
1. Journal: Part of today’s
workshop below:
2. Writer Workshop:
Refocusing on our short stories
a. Kick back and read your short story to
yourself. Then answer in writing in your
1) Ask yourself if you enjoyed reading
2) What does it need?
b. Now, choose to either add what it needs
or have a peer help you find the “certain something” it needs.
c. If ready, you can proofread and polish
as well.
d. Final
copies due by end of the week.
e. Have
RD/RRD, PRs checked as needed.
3. Reminder: Microfiction 5 due Monday, 4/14.
Wednesday 4/9
1. Journal: Just Sandwiches
Journal #1: Describe the best sandwich you've ever had. Write at least five full sentences and don't
forget to use as many senses as possible.
2. Turn in any Short
Story FCs if desired.
3. Creativity Workshop: Just Sandwiches!
a. Overview of assignment with overhead/handout.
b. Form groups – would like to have five groups and please don’t make me choose them for
c. Brainstorm sandwiches & themes.
d. Time permitting, start focusing.
4. Reminder: Microfiction 5 due Monday, 4/14.
Thursday 4/10
1. Journal: Just Sandwiches Journal #2: Describe the best thing or
your favorite thing you can cook.
Include how to make it and why you like it so much.
2. Turn in any Short
Story FCs if desired – be sure to give me yours by
the end of the day tomorrow.
Creativity Workshop: Just
a. Finish brainstorming and focusing if needed.
b. Focus: decide on theme and begin sandwich recipe writing
– write these descriptively as if on a menu but be sure to include all
c. Try to finish recipe RDs. Drafts of
recipes, menu, and ads due Tuesday, 4/15 & 4/22.
4. Reminder: Microfiction 5 due Monday, 4/14.
Friday 4/11
Journal: none
Creativity Workshop
Creativity Games!
Turn in any Short Story FCs if ready.