Monday 3/31
Journal: 5 minute open write.
Writer’s Workshop – Microfiction!
a. Sharing exercise Argument
Dialogue Microfiction.
1) In threes.
2) Pass your Microfiction to the
left. Each person should now add
physical action to the dialogue – at least 10
actions. Keep a consistent tone.
3) Pass the Microfiction to the left
again. Each person should now add 5 setting descriptions using at least 3 kinds of imagery. Keep a consistent tone.
4) Return the Microfiction to the
original author. The original author
should now make 5 improvements in
diction. Keep a consistent tone.
b. Have checked and place in portfolio with
your other Microfictions.
e. Begin fourth Microfiction: Ok, let's admit it: we've all told a lie to avoid
punishment for something we shouldn't have done. Write the story of what
you did or the lie you told as if it were a suspense mystery, building to an
exciting or unexpected climax. You need no resolution..
f. Fourth
complete Microfiction due: 4/7.
Bring all short story materials with you
Heads up: I’ll be looking at your
portfolios Wednesday through Friday.
Tuesday 4/1
1. Journal: none
2. Writer Workshop:
Drafting your short story
a. Quiet writing time: write the draft of
your story. RD due 4/3; RRD due 4/8; FC due by the end of next week.
b. We
will have the laptops tomorrow through Friday, so feel free to bring a floppy
and type your short stories/Microfictions.
3. Reminders:
a. Fourth
complete Microfiction due: 4/7.
b. I’ll
be looking at your portfolios throughout the rest of the week.
1. Journal: none
2. Writer’s Workshop
(with laptop labs)
a. Drafting of your Short Story.
b. Full RD of Short Story due tomorrow
for peer reading.
c. Do you Microfiction if your Short Story
draft is done.
3. Portfolio Check Ups
a. Checking
over portfolios.
b. While doing so, have any work from the week checked if you haven’t already.
plot points
b. setting paragraphs
c. one page SS character sketch w/ minor
character paragraphs
d. enrichment in developing character:
“Character Autobiography”
a. Fourth
complete Microfiction due: 4/7.
b. I’ll
be looking at your portfolios throughout the rest of the week.
1. Journal: none
2. Writer’s Workshop
(with laptop labs)
a. Have RD of Short Story Peer Read using
Peer Reading Sheets.
b. Have RD and Peer Reading Sheets
checked when done.
c. Revise short story – RRD due Tuesday,
3. Portfolio Check Ups
a. Checking
over portfolios.
b. While doing so, have any work from the week checked if you haven’t already.
plot points
b. setting paragraphs
c. one page SS character sketch w/ minor
character paragraphs
d. enrichment in developing character:
“Character Autobiography”
a. Fourth
complete Microfiction due: 4/7.
b. I’ll
be looking at your portfolios throughout the rest of the week.
1. Journal: none
2. Writer’s Workshop
(with laptop labs)
a. Have RD of Short Story Peer Read using
Peer Reading Sheets.
b. Have RD and Peer Reading Sheets
checked when done.
c. Revise short story – RRD due Tuesday,
d. If you are done, you may work on
3. Portfolio Check Ups
a. Checking
over portfolios.
b. While doing so, have any work from the week checked if you haven’t already.
plot points
b. setting paragraphs
c. one page SS character sketch w/ minor
character paragraphs
d. enrichment in developing character:
“Character Autobiography”
Reminders: Fourth complete Microfiction due: 4/7.