Creative Writing  3/17 – 3/21


Monday 3/17


1. Journal: 5 minute open write.

2. Writer’s Workshop – Microfiction!

    a. Full Group Activity – Roundtable style.

    b. Read your The Three Little Pigs Microfiction to the class.  Everyone should comment keep a comment list for each one.

    c. Focus on point of view as we read.

    d. I will walk around during the session to check them in.  Be sure to put in portfolio with first Microfiction.

    e. Begin third Microfiction: Write the story of the last good argument you had in nothing but dialogue.

    f. Third complete Microfiction due: Monday, 3/31 – don’t wait till break!


Tuesday 3/18 OGT Schedule: shortened periods.  (37 mins)


1. Journal: What if?

2. Writer’s Workshop: Character

    a. Five basic methods of characterization (reflect a consistent psychology or motivation for the character)

        1) physical description & direct narrator commentary

        2) dialogue

        3) actions

        4) thoughts

        5) reactions of other characters to the character

     b. A note on SHOWING vs. TELLING: Whenever possible and appropriate, SHOW the character speaking or doing rather than generalize or TELL us how they speak or do.

        1) EX. Telling: Ron spoke gruffly, with a gravelly, deep voice.

        2) EX. Showing: “Leave my cat alone,” Ron boomed, his voice grating like a giant’s footfalls up a gravel drive.

        3) We’ll look at some other ways to do this as we go.

    c. Write a one page, single spaced full character sketch of your main character.  Then write a one paragraph character sketch for each of your minor characters.  Include as many of the methods as possible.

    e. Have checked in when done.  Also, have PW Plot Points and Setting Paragraphs checked if you haven’t already.

3. Third complete Microfiction due: Monday, 3/31 – don’t wait till break!


Wednesday 3/19 Proficiency Test Schedule: shortened periods.  (37 mins)


1. Journal: Story Starter: They were in the supermarket, in the freezer section, when it happened.

2. Writer’s Workshop: Enrichment in Developing Character

    a. Write a short 3-5 paragraph “Character Autobiography” (like a personal narrative!) for one of your main characters.

    b. Your goal is to capture his/her childhood in such a way that we understand why they are they way they are now based on the psychology of his/her upbringing and experiences.

    c. You are to write this in first person as if you are the character.

    d. Have checked when done.

3. Have checked if needed: plot points, setting paragraphs, one page SS character sketch w/ minor character paragraphs..

4. Keep working with your short story as time and inspiration allows.

5. Reminder: Third complete Microfiction due: Monday, 3/31 – don’t wait till break!


Thursday 3/20


1. Journal: Story Ender: And so it began, once again.

2. Writer’s Workshop: Developing your skills in dialogue even further

    a. Punctuating and Developing Dialogue (handout – not on site yet, so you must get in class)

    b. Another take on what makes dialogue good.

    c. Complete exercise on handout – to be read with class tomorrow.

    d. Control your language.  Use good verbs in your tags.  Practice not tagging and adding thoughts or actions instead.

3. Work on and have checked as time allows:

    a. plot points

    b. setting paragraphs

    c. one page SS character sketch w/ minor character paragraphs

    d. enrichment in developing character: “Character Autobiography”

4. Keep working with your short story as time and inspiration allows.

5. Reminder: Third complete Microfiction due: Monday, 3/31 – don’t wait till break!


Friday 3/21


1. Journal: 5 minute free write

2. Reader’s Roundtable – Developing dialogue exercise

    a. Everyone keep a comment list as we read – one short comment per reader is fine.

    b. Discuss pros and cons of speech tags, adding thoughts and actions, etc.

    c. Discuss tone as we go as well.  This can be very helpful to creating a great story!

    d. Turn in exercise at end for checking.

3. Work on and have checked as time allows:

    a. plot points

    b. setting paragraphs

    c. one page SS character sketch w/ minor character paragraphs

    d. enrichment in developing character: “Character Autobiography”

4. Keep working with your short story as time and inspiration allows.

5. Reminder: Third complete Microfiction due: Monday, 3/31.