Creative Writing  2/24 – 2/28


Monday 2/24


No School – Calamity Day


Tuesday 2/25


1. Journal: Write about the most important conversation you’ve ever had.

2. Writing Contest Workshop

    a. Assign Inverness “Is All Ears” Contest piece - handout.

    b. Have at least RD checked today.

    c. Final copy due to me Thursday – entry online due Friday.

    d. Finish any peer reading or revision of Personal Narrative needed.  Have checked.

3. Reminder: Personal Narrative FC and RRD due tomorrow.


Wednesday 2/26


1. Journal: (on a separate piece of paper to turn in) Write a paragraph or two about what you like and don’t like about your personal narrative. Conclude by telling me what grade you think you deserve and why.  Underneath your response, tell me the one thing you want me to make sure I comment on about your paper – be specific.

2. Turn in Personal Narrative: Journal on top, Personal Narrative FC, then RRD.

3. Writer’s Workshop – Begin study of short story

    a. Now that we’ve done the common personal narrative – very much like a fictional short story – we’ll make the natural transition to the fictional short story.

    b. Assign: Bring your favorite short story to class Tuesday, 3/4. If you don’t have one, you better find one by then!

    c. Brainstorm: What do we mean by short story?  Off the top of your head, what makes various types of stories interesting or so well-loved?  What are some of the favorite stories in our culture?  Why are they favorites and enduring?  What is the function of these stories in our culture?  How does it all start: great stories from our childhood.

4. Reminder: Inverness “Is All Ears” Contest piece copy due tomorrow; submit to site by Friday.


Thursday 2/27


1. Journal: First lines: announced in class

2. Turn in copy of Inverness “Is All Ears” Contest piece. Submit to site by Friday.

3. Writer’s Workshop – Working with the narrative form

    a. Introduce the idea of Microfiction (handout).

    b. Examine handout thoroughly.

    c. Write the Week 1 Microfiction – due W, 3/5.


Friday 2/28


1. Journal: What if?

2. Creativity Workshop

    The Cranium Game

3. Reminders:

    a. Microfiction 1 due W, 3/5.

    b. Bring your favorite short story to class Tuesday, 3/4.