Creative Writing 2/17 – 2/21
Monday 2/17
No School: President’s Day
Tuesday 2/18
No School – Calamity Day
1. Journal: Describe the most inspiring
scene you've ever seen.
2. Writer's Workshop: Vivid
& Precise Diction
a. Briefly discuss journal; maybe read a couple.
b. Imagery and the notion of vivid & precise diction.
c. Brief look at nouns and adjectives.
d. Vivid Verb activity (food!).
e. Handout: Over 300 better verbs for said and another verb variety sheet as
f. Comb through your Personal
Narrative and find at least five verbs to change – circle and change them.
Check Ups and Due Dates:
a. As
time allows, I will check in Personal Narrative Rough Drafts and Peer Reads.
b. Turn
in you Reader’s Digest Review if you need to as well.
c. Checking
in any late portfolios as well.
Journal: after reading below…
Reader/Writer Workshop – Analyzing an Exemplary Personal Narrative
a. Handout
– an exemplary Personal Narrative. Read
b. Journal:
Respond immediately to the piece after you are done reading.
c. Read in roundtable, pausing to comment
as appropriate.
d. Now, based on the lessons of the past
two days, revise and polish your Personal Narrative.
Check Ups and Due Dates:
a. RRD
of PN checked today, if ready. Will check RDs
and Peer Reads if needed.
b. PN
FC due Tuesday, 2/25.
Friday 2/21
Journal: What were some of your favorite toys growing up? Tell a story or two of your best memories of
those toys.
Writer’s Workshop
a. Polish Personal Narrative – peer read,
revise, and apply the lessons of the past two days.
b. Have work checked in as it is finished.
c. Remember: Personal Narrative Final Copy due 2/25.