Creative Writing 1/6 –
Monday 1/6
1. Journal: 15 minute open
2. Poetry Workshop:
Extended Metaphor
a. Read Langston Hughes’s Mother
to Son
b. Complete all exercises after the poem
and turn in.
c. If time, discuss questions and poem.
3. Reminder: Enrichment 4 due Friday.
1. Journal: First Lines – as
poetry. (Poetry Portfolio Entry)
2. Poetry Workshop:
figurative language and the metaphor
a. Define figurative language – metaphor and
simile, personification, hyperbole, understatement
b. Work with a basic metaphor on the board.
1) Tenor, vehicle, and how they work:
using comparisons to like experiences to create a response in the reader.
2) Get everyone’s differing
interpretation of a metaphor.
3) Using your three options as a writer
(using our common metaphor as a base)
a) You can leave the metaphor wide
open, letting the readers decide how they wish to interpret it.
b) You can control the metaphor by
extending it using imagery, diction, and detail.
c) You can attempt to do a little
of both by extending somewhat but not too far.
This is a mastery skill!
c. Guided metaphor/simile practice
1) On a new sheet of paper, write down
each concept or emotion I guide you to.
2) For each, write down a metaphor or
simile. Add as much as you like to your
metaphor to get your point across.
3) Share and explore metaphors and
similes as time allows.
3. Reminder: Enrichment 4 due Friday.
Wednesday 1/8
1. Journal: none
2. Poetry Workshop:
a. Refer to Hughes' Mother to Son
b. Assign Metaphor
poem (handout) – RRD due Friday.
1) Complete drafting.
2) Get a peer reader to answers the q’s
at the bottom of the handout.
3) Revise.
3. Reminder: Enrichment 4 due Friday.
Journal: Write a 5 line poem with at least one metaphor about how you feel
today. (Poetry Portfolio Entry)
Poetry Workshop: The Metaphor Game
a. Review game and metaphors (handout).
b. Play game.
3. Reminders: RRD of Metaphor
Poem due tomorrow; Reminder:
Enrichment 4 due Friday.
Journal: 10 minute free write. (regular journal)
Turn in Enrichment 4.
3. Poetry Workshop: Metaphor Poem
a. Guided revision: Check and revise poem in response
to each of the following questions:
1) Is your diction powerful and
unique? Underline your best words;
change your weak ones.
2) Have you used at least three types
of imagery? If not, why not? If so, circle them.
3) Does your poem have a consistent
tone? If so, how so? If not, fix it.
4) Check over your metaphor(s) one more
b. Finish all revisions.
c. Create
final copy and turn in with RRD.