BRITISH LITERATURE ENRICHMENT WORK – Cancelled for 2nd Semester 2002-2003






Enrichment is not "graded" in the traditional sense. Rather, it simply must meet the minimum criteria of professional presentation. Specifically, it must meet the standards for written work (see the class Policies for this information), length requirements according to this guide, and any other special instructions included herein. Be absolutely certain to have actual physical proof that you have done everything required. There is no partial credit for anything here -- either you have done it all or you get nothing. It's harsh but very real.


If you choose to do a presentation for Enrichment, it must be clearly rehearsed, well-organized, well-developed, and appropriate to your audience and purpose.


Your goal is to accumulate 50 points: 25 points by the first due date, 25 points by the second.


REMEMBER: have proof and have it all done!




1. Full Electronic Portfolio (50 points): Create and maintain your portfolio electronically with your own personally created and maintained PORTFOLIO website or ppt presentation. Everything you for our class will show up here from your writing to pictures of your projects, excerpts from your journal, etc. You add all the personal touches from there! The upside of this is that you not only get credit for ALL of your Enrichment with one project, but you also get credit for the portfolio as well. The difficulty is that this Enrichment receives a grade as your portfolio so this one - unlike the other Enrichment projects - is actually graded in a traditional sense with the PORTFOLIO SG along with having to show continual improvement according to our Electronic Presentation Rubric.  This may also be done as a Power Point presentation and be submitted on disk.


2. Showcase Electronic Portfolio (25 to 50 points): Create an electronic portfolio focused on your best work.  This won't be nearly as extensive as the Full Web Portfolio but should still be well-developed and creative.  You need to show continual improvement according to our Electronic Presentation Rubric to receive continued credit for this project. To get this continued credit, maintain a log of all updates throughout the process.



(25 points each): Compose your own original works of creative writing in the style of any British Literature we study.  You may choose from a ten page maximum short story, 175 lines of poetry, or a ten page maximum drama.  If you wish your work to be any longer, split it into parts and get two creative writing credits instead of one!




SPECIAL NOTE: Appropriate selections must be correctly documented with MLA style to receive credit.


1. I-Search Paper/Project (25 points): Research any topic related to British culture, history, or literature which interests you and present your findings to me/the class.  If you prefer a paper, it must be three pages long; if a project is more to your liking, you may choose create a video, computer presentation, or informative speech with visual aids.  Minimum - 3 sources.


2. Author Studies (25 points): Read, analyze, respond to, and compare and contrast at least two works from any British author.  Also included should be a complete biography of the author (one page). Present your findings in a minimum three page paper or in one of the other presentational methods. Minimum of two sources required.


3.Thematic Studies (25 points): Read, analyze, respond to, and compare and contrast at least three works from a literary period we are studying.  Present your findings in a minimum three page paper or in one of the other presentational methods.


4. Studies in Pop British Culture (25 points): Choose from television, advertising, movies, or music. Create a three page paper or other presentation based on research into that genre.  You may study a certain TV show or perhaps a type of TV show; examine the techniques used by advertisers; watch several movies of the same genre and come to some conclusion about them; study the themes found in current popular music.  The ideas are limitless here. You may use secondary sources, but it is not required.


5. Language Studies (25 points): Study and report on the history and development of the English Language itself.  Feel free to use the sections in our book regarding this topic as a good starting point.  As a product, you will write a three page paper with a minimum of two sources required.


6. Technology Specific Studies (25 to 50 points): Explore websites on any topic related to British Literature (minimum five) and write up a three page review on those sites.  Or, choose to develop your own website (different from the Portfolio Enrichment) which demonstrates your mastery of our subject area.  If you do choose to develop your own website, it must achieve at least a Developing rating according to our Electronic Presentation Rubric. You can receive ongoing credit for this by continually updating the site and keeping a log of all updates.



attend a production (5 points); write a one page review of it (5 points)
participate in a production (15 points)

tutoring (2 points per hour)
Wordsmith (5 points)
speeches (5 points)
others can be discussed