Romaticism History Quiz                                                           NAME:__________________

British Literature                                                                        DATE:___________________


1.  What years are generally regarded as encompassing the Romantic Period?



2. The Romantic Movement grew out of a rebellion against what values of the previous age?

    Give at least three values.

      authority, science, rationality, logic, elitism, classism, materialism, discipline



3. What notable European political event can be regarded as the beginning of the Romantic  move-


     The French Revolution



4. What was the prevailing economic philosophy of England at the beginning of the Romantic Age?

     How did this philosophy enhance the growth of Romanticism?

     laissez faire - individualism over government legislation

     It created a climate where the rich got richer and the poor got poorer -- rights of the common man

     were trodden upon.



5. Romanticism actually originated in what country?



6. Describe Romantic literature by listing three of its traits.

    free, unique, common language, non-traditional, natural world, supernatural, irregular,

    disdain for society


7. Where did the Romantic writers look for truth, beauty, and wisdom?

     nature and the supernatural


8. Who were the two leaders of the Romantic movement in British literature?

     William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge


9. How did the Romantics define poetry?

    the "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" (recollected in tranquillity)


10. Who wrote "Preface to Lyrical Ballads?"

      William Wordsworth