British Literature - Third Quarter Grades

Mastery (*QTP - Quizzes, Tests, Projects) = 60% of your total grade.

_____ of     25    Assigned: 1/13  Due: 1/15     Anglo Saxon Resume
_____ of     50    Assigned: 1/22  Due: 2/6      Beowulf/Anglo Saxon Project
_____ of     25    Assigned: 2/4    Due: 2/13     Online Writing 4 - Wilbur's Beowulf Timed Writing
_____ of     20    Assigned: 2/11  Due: 2/18     Online Writing 5 -  Modern Chaucer Character
_____ of     25   
Assigned: 2/12  Due: 2/24     Chaucer Character Presentation

_____ of    145  Total for Mastery Work (QTP)

Practice (*HMWK - Homework) = 40% of your total grade.

_____ of   15  Assigned: all     Due: all         Journal/Bell Ringers/Class Participation & Work Time
_____ of   10 
Assigned: 1/7    Due: 1/7        Online Writing 1: Why are you here?
_____ of   10 
Assigned: 1/8    Due: 1/9        Anglo Saxon Study Guide
_____ of   10  Assigned: 1/13  Due: 1/15       Anglo Saxon Resume RRD
_____ of   10  Assigned: 1/21  Due: 1/23      Online Writing 2 - Beowulf's Demise
_____ of   10 
Assigned: 1/22  Due: 1/23       Beowulf/Anglo Saxon Project Proposal
_____ of   10  Assigned: 1/26  Due: 2/2         Online Writing 3 -
Anglo-Saxon Connections
_____ of   10  Assigned: 2/4    Due: 2/12       Medieval Study Guide
_____ of   10  Assigned: 2/11  Due: 2/18       3 Modern Chaucer Character Rough Drafts
_____ of   10  Assigned: 2/19  Due: 2/27       Online Writing 6 - A Knight's Tale
_____ of   10 
Assigned: 2/23  Due: 2/27       Wife of Bath Discussion Q's Worksheet
_____ of   10  Assigned: 2/26  Due: 2/27      Q's p. 167 1-3; 5-8

_____ of 125 Total for Practice Work (Homework)

*The QTP and HMWK refer to these values on your grades printouts - they mean the same thing but the grades program we use requires using these odd abbreviations!