Click here for the Comic Book Assignment which
comprises most of this short unit.
Journal: none
2. Reader's Workshop
a. In class reading: Sir
Gawain and the Green Knight, pp. 210-221.
b. Complete questions 7,8,9 (Extending
Interpretations) on p. 222. Turn in when done.
Bring a floppy tomorrow.
Day 2
Journal: none
2. Turn in Gawain Questions if needed.
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Workshop (with Laptops)
a. Assign Comic Book
b. Groups of 3.
c. You may use the computers to create this
electronically if you wish; we’ll have the computers the rest of this week.
Journal: none
2. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Workshop (with Laptops)
a. Continue work on comic books.
b. Remember, we only have through tomorrow with the
c. If somehow you finish, you are welcome
to work on your CW Papers.
Day 4
Journal: Overall reactions to Gawain. End by telling why we read it.
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Workshop (with Laptops)
a. Finish work on comic books – be prepared to share
next Monday or Tuesdsay.
b. Last day with laptops.
Gawain Comic Book Roundtable
a. Add Group Contribution notes to the back
of the sheet if you haven’t already.
b. Groups read their comic books with the
class and pass around.
c. Turn in Comic Book with all drafting materials.
A Knight’s Tale
Day 7
A Knight’s Tale
Day 8
1. Journal: (after
completion of movie): Explore the
crafting of the movie, A Knight’s Tale.
Specifically, consider costuming, language, music, tone, and elements of
medieval literature and history.
2. Movie
a. A Knight’s Tale - finish as
b. Do journal.
c. Critical Review: Discussion of
adaptations and technique in making A Knight’s Tale.
- read producer’s comments from the DVD.