British Literature Syllabus


Anglo-Saxon Period


Familiarity with important history, especially cultural values and literary development

Beowulf – with significant project and several minor activities

Richard Wilbur’s Beowulf – with timed writing

Anglo-Saxon Riddles – small activity

Excerpt from Grendel – reading in old literature book

Movie: The 13th Warrior – with timed writing


Medieval Period


Familiarity with important history, especially cultural values and literary development

Chaucer’s Prologue – with activity

Wife of Bath’s Prologue – with timed writing

The Nun’s Priest’s Tale – with major paper

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight – with activity

Excerpts from Morte d’ Arthur


Renaissance Period


Familiarity with important history, especially cultural values and literary development

Assorted Sonnets and other poems – with activity

Shakespearean Sonnets – with critical analysis

Hamlet – with several activities and a major paper


Transitional Poets


Metaphysical: Donne, others as desired

Cavalier: Marvell, others as desired


Restoration and Enlightenment


Familiarity with important history, especially cultural values and literary development

Swift’s Modest Proposal – with creative writing assignment

Pope: Essay on Man and Epigrams (as time allows)

Assorted other essays (on Marriage, etc.) as time allows


Romantic Period


Familiarity with important history, especially cultural values and literary development

Wordsworth: Lines Composed

Coleridge: Kubla Kahn

Keats: Grecian Urn, To Autumn

Others as time allows – Work William Blake in there somewhere; Tennyson too if time.


That’s as far as I have ever gotten in one semester, though I never quite get to as much towards the end of that list as I’d like.  Do the best you can on pace, but don’t worry if you don’t get as far as this goes.


Finally, remember that all my lesson plans, projects, rubrics, and student samples are online through  Just click on English Odyssey and you’ll find whatever you need.


Good luck.


Tony Maite