Beowulf &
Anglo-Saxon Unit Plans (with intro to Brit Lit course)
Length: 20 days
here for all resources.
1. Journal: Why are you
2. Suggest comfortable seating positions – I’ll make the chart soon.
3. Get books, if available.
4. Assign Anglo-Saxon Study Guide - Due Next Tuesday, 2/4.
- Take a look at the book.
- You may do both Anglo-Saxon and Medieval
now, together, for both study guides or you may choose to do AS now and
Medieval later.
1. Journal: Why do we read
literature? Why do we study it?
2. Suggest comfortable seating positions – I’ll make the chart soon.
3. Get books, if needed (new
4. Review materials: portfolio, pencil, ink, paper, Hamlet book eventually.
Discuss last two day’s journals: Why are you here? And why do we read/study
values, values!
6. Reader’s Workshop:
Preparing for Beowulf
a. Common Themes: Heroism, Bravery, Valor,
Fate, Doom
-informal notes: Where they were from
and how they lived their lives.
b. The twist: Christianity
c. If time, return to the themes above to
decide where we stand before we look at where we came from.
7. HW: Read and know pp. 28-31 for tomorrow.
Journal: When you think of an Epic story, what comes to mind? Give characteristics and examples. Finally, what is your favorite Epic? Why?
2. Reader's Workshop
a. Pass out Literary Terms handout;
discuss expectations.
Discuss Background reading (pp. 28-31)
1) Epic Qualities
2) Language: Stock Epithets, Kennings,
c. Background Notes: Anglo-Saxons enriched
& the story of Beowulf.
Go ahead and start reading Beowulf: pp. 30 – 40 should do nicely by
Monday. Why so long? You’ll need to read it a couple times to
really get a feel for it. Take a section
at a time.
Reminder: Anglo-Saxon-Medieval Study Guide due Tuesday, 2/4.
1. Journal: none
2. Student Workshop –
Media Center Computers
b. Fill out student information form
now. Distribute Parent Letter and Assign: Parent Information form due
Tuesday, 2/4. (Automatic 10 points extra credit when your parents’ form is
Guided site tour: plans, policies, grades, scoring guides, help etc. I will expect that you will read and know the
d. Bit of a scavenger hunt, and free
3. Reminders:
a. Anglo-Saxon-Medieval
Study Guide due Tuesday, 2/4.
b. Parent Information Form due Tuesday,
c. Read Beowulf, pp. 30-40 by Monday.
d. Have your portfolio in class next week.
1. Journal: Describe your idea of a Viking.
2. Seating Chart.
3. Announce new Grades
weights (40-30-30) and the cancellation of Enrichment. Assign
have portfolio by end of the week.
4. Reader’s Workshop
a. Finish Anglo-Saxon Enrichment Notes
b. Review Kennings and Alliteration, Epic
Qualities and Values
c. Read
Intro to Beowulf from old book
together and aloud; look for epic, language, and general qualities. Trace
d. As time allows, read Grendel together.
5. Reminders:
Anglo-Saxon (Medieval) Study Guides due tomorrow.
Parent Orientation Forms due tomorrow (electronic is extra credit!).
c. Have
your portfolio materials in class by Friday.
1. Journal: How did you
react to the section on Grendel? Was it
evil enough? Scary enough? Capture the general idea, mood, and tone of
the Grendel section in your own 5 to 7 sentence paragraph re-vision of the section.
Be aware you may be asked to share.
2. Turn in Anglo-Saxon (& Medieval
if desired) Study guides; Turn in paper Parent Forms if needed.
3. Reader’s Workshop –
The Character of Evil
a. Share responses to the first
part of the journal: reactions and evaluation of the description of evil.
b. The role of evil in such an epic – their
culture: the role of evil in our culture.
Do we view it differently?
c. Read from Grendel as suggested by class discussion.
d. Share our own scary versions of the
Grendel section.
4. HW: Review the Beowulf
section well this evening.
5. Reminder: Have portfolio materials in class by Friday.
Day 7
1. Journal: Reactions to Beowulf so far. Reactions to Beowulf so far.
2. Turn in late study guides.
3. Reader/Writer Workshop
– A Question of Greatness
a. Discuss journal, specifically
our reactions to Beowulf’s introduction.
b. Read from Beowulf as suggested by class discussion, especially his
self-description. In what ways is he
arrogant? In what ways is he
humble? Do you see Christian influences
in his speech?
c. The values revealed in Beowulf’s speech?
d. How’s your self-esteem? The Anglo Saxon Resume:
1) Write rough draft only tonight –
we will revise tomorrow.
2) You will turn in a FC and RRD
with your speech.
4. Reminder: Have portfolio materials in class by Friday.
Journal: Did you find drafting the AS Resume difficult or easy? Explain. Even
if you didn't find it hard, explain why it is difficult for many people to
verbalize what is good about themselves.
2. Writer’s Workshop – revising AS Resume
a. Review Anglo-Saxon techniques to include
- formal & heroic tone, blank
verse, kennings, alliteration, powerful diction
b. draft, peer read (extra credit – be sure
to sign draft), and revise as needed
c. Final copy read to the class
tomorrow; turn in final copy with RRD after speech.
3. Reminder:
Have portfolio materials in class by tomorrow.
1. Journal: none
2. Anglo Saxon Resume’
a. Present your Anglo Saxon Resume to the
class; turn in final copy and RRD after you give your speech.
b. If time, read along with The Battle with Grendel.
3. Make sure your portfolio materials are in the box and clearly labeled
with your name.
Journal: none
Make sure portfolios are in the box and clearly labeled.
Make-Up/Late Anglo-Saxon Resumes
Reader’s Workshop
a. Listen to and read along with The Battle with Grendel.
b. Comments or Discussion as needed.
c. We read: Grendel’s Mother and The Battle with Grendel’s Mother together as time allows.
d. Comments or Discussion as needed.
HW: Finish reading the rest of Beowulf
from wherever we left off.
Journal (separate - to turn in): Describe Beowulf's demise. Then, explain
what you think led to that demise and what theme you think can be learned from
2. Turn in journal.
a. Assign Beowulf Project: (overhead with notes and the copy you printed
from home)
b. Brainstorm ideas, form groups (if appropriate), begin
c. Project proposal due by
End of Period.
4. Due dates for Beowulf Project: RD: tba;
RRD: tba; FC: tba.
Day 12
3. Due dates for Beowulf Project: RD: tba; RRD: tba; FC: tba.
Richard Wilbur's Beowulf: Distribute
and Read (once silently; once aloud).
2. Journal: Respond to the poem in any way you wish.
3. Reader's Workshop
a. Small Group: (3 members) discuss
poem, analyze for technique, generate themes
b. SPECIAL NOTE: Each member take notes as
you can use them during the TW next class meeting.
4. Due dates for Beowulf Project: RD: tba; RRD: tba; FC: tba.
Journal: None
2. TIMED WRITING: Richard Wilbur's Beowulf – Place
in portfolio when done.
Bring all project materials with you for the rest of the week.
Journal: (2 part) Discuss how you did on
your timed writing yesterday. What went
well for you and what was difficult?
Then, discuss your exact plan for getting your project done, including a
time frame.
2. Project Workshop
a. Discuss due dates: RD due: 2/21; RRD due: 2/25; FC
due 2/28. Schedule presentations if
b. Prepare Rough Drafts – work as needed.
c. Have Rough Draft checked if ready.
Bring all project materials with you for the rest of the week.
Journal: Connect the story of Beowulf
to modern literary works and media. Draw
some conclusions about what our culture might still retain from the
Anglo-Saxons of so long ago.
Project Workshop
a. Check in RDs, Peer Reads,
RRDs and schedule presentations as appropriate.
b. Elicit peer evaluators. Evaluators must write up recommendations and
sign. Use the rubric plus the author’s own set criteria to write up your
c. Revise and perfect.
1. Journal: none
2. MOVIE: 13th Warrior
FC of Beowulf Project due 2/28.
Schedule equipment for M 3/3 today.
5. Assign Medieval Study Guide due 3/3.
1. Journal: none
2. MOVIE: 13th Warrior
a. FC of Beowulf Project due 2/28.
b. Medieval Study Guide due 3/3.
1. Journal: none
2. Finish MOVIE: 13th Warrior
a. Form groups of 3.
b. Translate each of the five riddles phrase by phrase.
c. Solve the riddles.
d. First group to translate and solve all riddles correctly
receives 10 points Extra Credit. Second, 7 points; Third, 5 points.
Everyone else finish for 2 points.
Finish up any peer reading and polishing on your project; have RRDs and peer
reads checked if appropriate.
a. FC of Beowulf Project due 2/28.
b. Medieval Study Guide due 3/3.
Journal: none
2. Timed Writing: The 13th
a. FC of Beowulf Project due today or Monday.
Medieval Study Guide due 3/3.
4. Assign read Chaucer’s background and Prologue by next Wednesday.