Beowulf Project and Scoring Guide


Design and complete a project that fully reflects your understanding of Beowulf and/or the Anglo-Saxon society and demonstrates your engagement in higher level thought (evaluation, synthesis, analysis).


You will be evaluated in three ways:


1. Typical evaluation of drafts during the process.


2. Effective use of time during the process.


3. The final copy as assessed according to the provided scoring guide.


Ideas for projects


There are many more but here are a few.  Above all else, remember to choose a method of delivery that you find engaging and worthwhile.


an Anglo-Saxon feast

a dramatization -- live or on tape

an adaptation -- modernize in live, taped, or written form

a travel guide to Anglo-Saxon Briton and Europe

domestic studies from fashion to tools to weapons

an interpretation of Beowulf, either critical or fictional

any historical study

an evolution of culture study

an analysis of the Christian influence

a musical score for the story
a comparative study with Michael Crichton’s Eaters of the Dead or Seamus Haney’s Beowulf







Mastery of some aspect of Beowulf &/or Anglo-Saxon society is apparent.


            _____ superior                                  _____ good


            _____ average                                  _____ questionable




Project clearly demonstrates higher level thought.


            _____ superior                                  _____ good


            _____ average                                  _____ questionable




Project reflects exceptional effort and cooperation among group members.


            _____ superior                                  _____ good


            _____ average                                  _____ questionable




Project is professionally presented as a paper or presentation.


            _____ superior                                  _____ good


            _____ average                                  _____ questionable




Project is properly documented if appropriate.


            _____ yes                                          _____ no



Grade:_____ = _____ of 100