British Literature  1/26 - 1/30

Monday 1/26

1. Journal/Bell Ringer: none

2. Business:

    a. Reminder: You should be collecting your research and drafting your project.

        1) RD: Shoot for Wednesday; RRD: Friday.

        2) Turn in Project Proposals.

        3) Anything with research should have a Works Cited page!

    b. Online Writing

        1) Be sure all your online writing is done.

        2) New one for this week is posted though you might want to wait until after Wednesday to do it.

3. Movie

    13th Warrior

4. HW: Work on Beowulf/AS Project.


Tuesday 1/27


1. Journal/Bell Ringer: none

2. Business:

    a. Reminder: Beowulf/AS Project: RD by tomorrow; RRD by Friday.

    b. Online writing 3.

3. Movie

    13th Warrior

4. HW: Work on Beowulf/AS Project.


Wednesday 1/28


No School - Calamity Day


Thursday 1/29  


No School - Calamity Day


Friday 1/30


1. Journal/Bell Ringer: none

2. Business:

    a. Beowulf/AS Project: RD should be done; RRD by next Tuesday at the latest.

    b. Officially assign "Connections" Online Writing 3 - due Monday.

3. Movie

    a. Finish 13th Warrior as needed.

    b. Discuss similarities and differences as time allows.

4. (if time) Beowulf/Anglo Saxon Project

    a. RD should be done so revision is next.

    b. Q-A about projects; touch base with your groups.

    c. Bring whatever you need to work on your project with you Monday.

5. HW: 1) Project Work as needed; 2) Online writing due Monday.