British Literature  1/19 - 1/23

Monday 1/19

No School - MLK Day

Tuesday 1/20

1. Journal: In studying Beowulf and the Anglo Saxon culture, what have you found interesting or compelling?  What would you like to know more about or understand better?  Give reasons for your responses.
2. Business:
Assign Online Writing 2: Beowulf's Demise (Due Friday)
Project Workshop
    a. Assign Beowulf/Anglo-Saxon Project: (overhead with notes)
    b. Share previous examples: Click HERE to see a couple online.

4. Reader's Workshop
The Battle with Grendel, Grendel's Mother, and The Battle with Grendel's Mother briefly.
HW: none

Wednesday 1/21 (Teacher out for Inservice)

1. Journal: none

2. Business: Reminder: Online Writing 2: Beowulf's Demise (Due Friday)

3. Reader's Workshop
Read rest of Beowulf
4. HW:
Online Writing 2 due by Friday.


Thursday 1/22 (Teacher out for Inservice)


1. Journal: none

2. Business: Online Writing 2 due tomorrow.

3. Project Workshop
    Fill out planner & begin prewriting - outline ideas, create a research plan, etc.  Whatever your project requires, BEGIN!

Online Writing 2 due tomorrow.


Friday 1/23


1. Journal: What ideas do you have for your project?  What do you need in order to fulfill those ideas effectively?

2. Business: Online Writing 2 due today.

3. Anglo Saxon Resume’ Reading (cont. if needed)
    a. Finish presenting Anglo Saxon Resumes to the class.
    b. Turn in final copy and RRD after you give your speech.

4. Beowulf/Anglo Saxon Project Workshop (on Media Center computers)
    a. Finish Project Proposals and discuss with teacher.
    b. Work with groups or individually to draft project.
    c. Conference with teacher as needed.
    d. Due dates for Beowulf/AS Project: RD: by W 1/28; RRD: F 1/30; FC: by tba.

4.HW: Work on Beowulf/AS Project RD.