Monday 1/12
Journal: Simply respond with your reaction to the first section: "Grendel.
b. Assign today's HW: Read through page 39.
a. Common Themes & Values: Loyalty, Heroism,
Bravery, Valor, Fate, Doom
b. Other historical sources and connections.
e. Read some of "Grendel," pp. 33-35 together - look for techniques and just the tone, mood, and diction.
f. Read on into "Beowulf" section as time allows.
Tuesday 1/13
1. Journal:
Business: nothing new
3. Reader's Workshop – A Question of Greatness
a. Discuss journal, specifically our reactions to Beowulf’s
b. Read from Beowulf, especially his self-description. In what ways
is he arrogant? In what ways is he humble? Do you see Christian influences in
his speech?
c. The values revealed in Beowulf’s speech?
d. How’s your self-esteem?
The Anglo Saxon Resume:
1) Review assignment -
2) Prewrite and draft in class - finish RD ONLY for HW.
3) You can view online samples
of these by clicking
HERE and
4. HW: Finish A-S Resume RD for tomorrow.
1. Journal: Did you find
drafting the AS Resume difficult or easy? Explain. Even if you didn't find it
hard, explain why it is difficult for many people to verbalize what is good
about themselves.
3. Writer’s Workshop – revising
a. Guided revision for Anglo Saxon techniques.
- formal & heroic tone, kennings, alliteration, powerful diction, blank
b. Draft & peer read (make 3-5 suggestions & sign draft), revise and prepare
final copy.
c. Final copy read to the class tomorrow; turn in
final copy with RRD with comments after speech.
HW: Finish prepping A-S Resume.
1. Journal: none
3. Anglo Saxon Resume’ Reading
a. Present your Anglo Saxon Resume to the class.
b. Turn in final copy and RRD after
you give your speech.
4. Reader's Workshop
Begin reading together: The Battle with Grendel, Grendel's Mother, and
The Battle with Grendel's Mother (pp. 40-51) -
finish for HW.
5. HW: Read sections in Beowulf: pp.
Friday 1/16
No School - Calamity Day