AP Literature Daily Agendas:  April 11 - April 15
Monday 4/11 - Shortened Period: 1 Hour Late Start
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: End of Book Quiz and Review.
    a. Assign: 1984 Section 1 due next Monday.
    b. Absent students need to complete "Evening Hawk" Timed Writing today/tonight.
    c. TSTF TWs are awaiting you - distribute rubric.

3. Reader's Workshop: BNW

    a. Mond (Huxley) explains literature!
    b. The pain of individuality (John) vs. the comfort of pleasure/ease (Mond).
        *Which do you prefer?  Which do you actually pursue?
    c. Overall meaning: What is Huxley warning us about?  How far along are we?
    d. If time, the need for God.

4. HW: 1984 reading underway.
Tuesday 4/12
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
    a. Reminder: 1984 Section 1 due Monday.
    b. Assign: Quotes Worksheet for 1984 - due with Section 1 reading Monday.
        .doc version    .pdf version

3. AP Test Workshop: Poetry Response - "Evening Hawk"

    a. Review poem - interpret and analyze.
    b. Review exemplars.
    c. Comment on own essay and rate yourself - turn back in.

4. HW:
1984 reading and Quotes Worksheet.
Wednesday 4/13
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
    a. Reminder: 1984 Section 1 due Monday.
    b. Reminder: Quotes Worksheet for 1984 - due with Section 1 reading Monday.

Reader's Workshop: 1984
    a. 35 minute SSR.
    b. Begin 1984 discussion - Power and Control: A Totalitarian Society - Use in-class worksheet to guide.

4. HW:
1984 reading and Quotes Worksheet.
Thursday 4/14
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
    a. Reminder: 1984 Section 1 due Monday.
    b. Reminder: Quotes Worksheet for 1984 - due with Section 1 reading Monday.

3. Reader's Workshop

    SSR 1984
- Don't forget your Quotes Worksheet
4. HW:
1984 reading and Quotes Worksheet.
Friday 4/15
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
    a. Reminder: 1984 Section 1 due Monday.
    b. Reminder: Quotes Worksheet for 1984 - due with Section 1 reading Monday.

AP Test Prep: Multiple Choice
    Practice Test and Review - explain your answers as you go!
4. Reader's Workshop - as time allows - 1984
    Revisit what needs to be controlled to conduct a proper totalitarian state.

4. HW:
1984 reading and Quotes Worksheet - due Monday.