AP Literature Daily Agendas:  January 24 - January 28
Monday 1/24
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
    a. Assign:
Othello movie permission slips - due this week.
Assign “Child by Tiger” (24) – Wolfe.
Remember to get your novels for second semester by end of the month.
3. Reader/Writer Workshop: Short Shorts!

    a. Groups of four - select best.
    b. Share best with class & turn in.
    c. We can choose to read more if we wish.
    d. We can choose to begin reading "Child by Tiger" (24).

4. HW: 1) Read "Child by Tiger" (24); 2) Othello movie permission slip signed.
Tuesday 1/25
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
    a. Reminder:
Othello movie permission slips - due this week.
Reminder: “Child by Tiger” (24) – Wolfe.
Reminder: Get your novels for second semester by end of the month.
3. Reader's Workshop

Act 1 - Othello - finish by Thursday.
4. HW: Othello Act 1 by Thursday.
Wednesday 1/26 - Shortened Period: 2 Hour Late Start
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
    a. Turn in:
Othello movie permission slips.
Reminder: Act 1 Othello reading due tomorrow - distribute Cast Relationships sheet (in class only for now).
Reminder: Get your novels for second semester by end of the month.
    d. Assign: Extra credit review of play this weekend.
    e. Assign: Othello eCampus postings - first one due Friday.

3. Reader's Workshop

    a. Discuss "Child by Tiger" (Wolfe, 24).
    b. Read and discuss "The Lamb" and "The Tiger" (832) - emphasis on innocence and experience.

4. HW: 1) Othello Act 1 by tomorrow; 2) Othello eCampus posting 1 due Friday.
Thursday 1/27
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
    a. Turn in:
Othello movie permission slips.
    b. Assign
: Act 2 Othello reading due M/T next week.
Reminder: Get your novels for second semester by end of the month.
    d. Reminder: Extra credit review of play this weekend.
    e. Reminder: Othello eCampus postings.

3. Reader's Workshop

    a. Finish discussion from yesterday: "
Child by Tiger" "The Lamb" and "The Tiger."
    b. Othello intro skits - put together and be ready to go.

4. HW: Othello reading & eCampus responses.
Friday 1/28
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
    a. Turn in:
Othello movie permission slips & 55 Word Microfictions.
    b. Reminder
: Act 2 Othello reading due M/T next week.
Reminder: Get your novels for second semester by end of the month.
    d. Reminder: Extra credit review of play this weekend.
    e. Assign: Othello eCampus postings - 2nd due W, 2/2.

Reader's Workshop
    a. Othello skits.
    b. Various parts of play revealed in skits.

HW: Othello reading & eCampus responses.