AP Literature Daily Agendas:  November 22 - November 26
Monday 11/22
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Quiz: Chapter 1 (open notes)
    a. Due: Decade Assignment & Chapter 1 Journal.
    b. Reminder:
Joyce - reading schedule - next due date: Monday, 11/29.
    c. Band students: Timed Writing - you'll receive your quiz make-up later.

3. Reader's Workshop: Joyce

    a. Share Decade Assignment and turn in.
    b. Discuss Chapter 1 - turn in journal.

4. HW:
Continue Joyce work - next due date: Monday, 11/29
Tuesday 11/23
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
Reminder: Joyce - reading schedule - next due date: Monday, 11/29.
Reader/Writer Workshop: The Power of Setting
    a. Assign:
play assignment.
    b. Groups form - begin work.

4. HW: 1) Continue Joyce work - next due date: Monday, 11/29; 2) Any play work as assigned by your group.
Wednesday 11/24
No School - Thanksgiving Break
Thursday 11/25
No School - Thanksgiving Break
Friday 11/26
No School - Thanksgiving Break