AP Literature Daily Agendas:  November 1 - November 5
Monday 11/1
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
a. Reminder: etexts read: A Hunger Artist, Before the Law, An Imperial Message.
    b. Assign: Have Joyce's Portrait book in class Friday.

Writer Workshop: Symbol Writing
    a. Finish complete RD of your writing.
    b. Share with class.
    c. Turn in.

4. HW: 1) Be sure you get your Kafka reading done; 2) Finish symbol writing if needed; 3) Joyce's Portrait in class Friday.
Tuesday 11/2
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Quick write: What do author's expect of us as readers when it comes to symbols?
    a. Assign: Bring a clean, unmarked copy of your Awakening paper to class tomorrow!
    b. Reminder:
Have Joyce's Portrait book in class Friday.
Writer Workshop: Symbol Writing
    a. Finish sharing Symbol Writings with class.
    b. Turn in.
    c. Debrief - Symbols: hard, easy?  HOW DO THEY WORK?  What do author's expect of us as readers when it comes to symbols?
Reader Workshop: Kafka: Rich and Ambiguous
    a. How do Kafka's writings, especially The Metamorphosis, fit with various literary perspectives?
        *Modernism? Expressionism? Surrealism? Freudism? Existentialism?
    b. Break out into small groups by "ISM"
        *Be sure to include references to at least TWO Kafka writings along the way!
    c. Report out to whole class what you came up with.
    d. Can we say it's more one than the others?

4. HW: 1) Finish any follow up work for Kafka if your group isn't finished; 2)
Joyce's Portrait in class Friday.
Wednesday 11/3
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
Reminder: Have Joyce's Portrait book in class Friday.
Reader Workshop: Kafka: Rich and Ambiguous
Finish our discussion if needed.
Writer's Workshop - Part I: Awakening Paper Review
Distribute excellent student samples to read and review.
    b. Return marked rubrics.
Given your grade and the rubric, mark up your clean copy, giving specific recommendations for what you could have done better.
    d. Turn in your marked copy - up to 5 points Value Added.
    e. Assign: Get your actual marked copy from eCampus tonight!
5. Writer's Workshop - Part II: Timed Writing Prep
    a. Distribute Practice Writing Excerpt.
    b. Read and mark individually.
    c. Share observations with class.
    d. Make shared thesis and outline of mock essay.

6. HW:
HW: 1) Finish any timed writing practice prep if needed; 2) Joyce's Portrait in class Friday.
Thursday 11/4
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
Reminder: Have Joyce's Portrait book in class tomorrow.
3. Writer's Workshop - Timed Writing

    Graded Timed Writing

4. HW:
Joyce's Portrait in class tomorrow.
Friday 11/5
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
    Joyce's Portrait in class today - have checked.

3. Reader's Workshop - Shrinking Gregor Samsa.
a. Review assignment.
      b. Form groups and plan research, poster makers, etc.
      c. Begin research.
      d. Assign HW according to needs - all basic research should be done by Monday.
      e. Assign: Bring Poster Board and materials to make your goodies on Monday.
5. HW:
Shrinking Gregor Samsa - whatever it takes to get your research done by Monday - be sure to bring your poster board, etc.