AP English Literature & Composition  1/5 - 1/8

Tuesday 1/5 - Begin 3rd Quarter

1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
2. Business: Have book The Sound and the Fury Monday for check in.
Reader's Workshop
Reminder: Joyce - Satan answers.
        *Faces of the Devil in Lit study questions and ideas.
    b. Assign the Modular Story.
        1) Each group has a few minutes to create the story line for the other group.
                 Storyline, Setting, Tone (see examples on handout)
        2) Assign the exact techniques to each person.
        3) If you are going to be absent, email your part of the story to your captain by Monday. Otherwise, bring 2 copies of your part on paper Monday.
    c. Handout: O’Connor Journals – In case you wish to do them as we read each story. DUE Friday.
    d. Read Good Country People up until they are going to go into the barn on page 189. Stop there. Then write a one paragraph or so ending to the story in O’Connor’s style.
     *Tomorrow will be a reader/writer workshop for all of this and more.

4. HW: Begin work on Modular Story as desired.

Wednesday 1/6

1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
2. Business: Clarify Modular Story turn in - bring two on paper Monday; if absent, send to captain.
Reader/Writer Workshop
    a. Continue reading
Good Country People up until they are going to go into the barn on page 189. Stop there.
Then write a one paragraph or so ending to the story in O’Connor’s style. (This requires predicting what you think will happen.)
    c. If you finish before the others,
    d. When all are done with the GCP ending, we will share and turn in.
4. HW: 1) Finish GCP ending; 2) Work on O'Connor journals; 3) Work on Modular Story.

Thursday 1/7


1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
2. Business:

    a. Sound and Fury due Monday.
    b. Assign: "A Good Man Is Hard to Find" online reading tonight.
    c. Don't forget that journals are due tomorrow so write your responses tonight as well.

Reader Workshop
    a. Discuss “Good Country People” and share story endings in small groups.
        1) Groups of five pass around endings and select best to read to class.
        2)  Read the rest together - discuss. (Use your journal handout and Faces of the Devil handout)
    b. In class reading: “A Late Encounter with the Enemy”
HW: 1) “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” (journals due tomorrow); 2) Work on Modular Story.


Friday 1/8


No School - Snow Day
All due dates moved back one day.