Monday 11/2
2. Business:
a. Have Portrait of an Artist...(Joyce) by Nov. 6.
b. Read: "The Guest" (Camus) pp. 190-200 & Answer Q's p. 200.
3. Presentation
a. Present
Shrinking Gregor Samsa Projects
b. Be sure to have:
WebQuest findings & upload files to eCampus (can turn in on paper)
4. If time, begin reading "The
5. HW:
Tuesday 11/3
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer:
2. Business:
3. Reader's Workshop
a. Share answers to
"The Guest" and discuss. (Turn in answers when done?)
b. Begin reading "No
Exit" in class.
4. HW: none - why not read ahead with Joyce!
2. Business:
a. Have Portrait of an Artist...(Joyce) by
Nov. 6.
b. Pass out
prompts for tomorrow's timed writing.
*Have all materials with you -
book, literary terms, any notes you want.
3. Reader/Writer Workshop
a. Finish reading
b. Work on themes & thesis for timed writing.
*Hone the thematic thesis statement.
c. Apply Kohlberg to the story (stories) if time.
Thursday 11/5
2. Business:
3. Writer Workshop
Timed Writing (50 minutes)
4. HW: 1) Follow up activity if needed; 2) Why not read
some Joyce?
Friday 11/6
2. Business: Bring The Crossing for Monday!
3. Reader/Writer Workshop
a. Assign: Self-Evaluation for Timed Writing – due Monday
b. Assign: Joyce handout and reading dates – Decade work due
the 16th.
c. Multiple Choice Practice
d. Return Paris Timed Writing
4. HW: