Monday 10/5
2. Business:
3. Writer's Workshop: Chopin Paper
a. Working on drafts entire period.
b. Teacher conferencing throughout period.
4. HW: Chopin Paper due Wednesday.
Tuesday 10/6
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer:
3. Reader's Workshop
*Examine and classify Heinz's
original dilemma.
b. Examining Moral Dilemmas
1) Small group discussions - Applying
Kohlberg to the Kohlberg Dilemmas
(his and others as time allows)
a) Elect a foreman and secretary
b) Try to come to consensus
c) Explain your decision and also any dissension
2) How does Kohlberg’s theory work
with each of the dilemmas? Where did the motivation for decision making lie?
Wednesday 10/7
2. Business: Turn in
a. Continue with small
group and full group discussion of Kohlberg.
other dilemmas.
2) How would be evaluate the
moral motivations of the character's in Chopin's short stories:
Calixta, Desiree, Mrs. Mallard, and Edna.
2) Another way of looking at
paradoxical dilemmas: If you do the right thing, there will be a bad result; if
you do the wrong thing, the result is better.
b. Read "A
Jury of Her Peers" - Susan Glaspell
4. HW: Read "A Jury of Her Peers" if needed.
Thursday 10/8
2. Business: Nothing new.
3. Thinker's Workshop: Mock Trial
1) Explain jury trials
2) Get set up.
4. HW: Any prep needed by your mock trial team.
Friday 10/9
2. Business:
3. Mock Trial Workshop
a. Trial prep full
b. Trial begins Monday after a brief meeting to be sure you
are organized.