Author-Style Mini-Study
Part I: Biography
- Research the life and background of your selected author.
- Write a MLA documented biography of approximately 2-5 paragraphs.
- This is graded for: depth, relevance of information, quality of
organization, style, and conventions, and proper MLA documentation.
Part II: Author-Style Study
1. Complete the
Analysis Worksheet.
2. Use your
Author-Style Analysis Worksheet to create a critical essay that reveals the
style and techniques of your selected author.
- You may choose to discuss the author's entire style or choose some
aspect of his/her style to focus upon.
- Don't forget: your work is already done on your worksheet; now you are
just organizing that information into a coherent analysis.
- This is graded for focus/organization, quality of analysis &
conclusions, and proper writing coventions.
- You can find sample critical essays by clicking
HERE and scrolling down to the "Literary Criticism" section. Be sure to
read the RHETORICAL essays as they are most like yours.
Part III: Author-Style Original Work
- Write an original piece(s) using lessons learned in analyzing the style
of your selected author.
- Length will depend upon your chosen genre, though anything more than a
few pages is excessive.
- Feel free to write excerpts instead of full works if your chosen genre
is too lengthy.
- This will be graded for quality of writing within its genre, quality of
use of author's style, and proper writing conventions.
- Click
HERE to see rubrics for virtually every type of writing.