Studies in
Poetry & The Poetry Portfolio Journal Prompts
Express yourself on the topic of poetry. Start by defining what it is.
Free Write in poetry form (may be read).
What is your favorite poem? Why? Can you
remember one you hated? Why did you dislike it?
Write about the most irritating person or situation in your
life. Be powerful and, if you can, do it as a poem.
Guided Imagery Poem: _____________________________.
Choose one of your poems. On a separate piece of
paper, ask FIVE questions you'd like answered about that poem.
Open Writing: Poem of your choice.
Write a love poem! Make it at least 10 lines.
Make it rhyme too.
Which of your poems is your favorite? First, tell why
it's your favorite. Then, explain what that poem says about you.
Write a cover letter for you Poetry Portfolio. Discuss any or all of the following:
your favorite
your least favorite
what you learned
how your poetry improved
what was difficult
what was easy
what the portfolio says about you
anything special you’d like your readers’ to know.
specific and precise.